Bug #8301
closedWLN KD-C1: When selecting DTCS->DTCS crossmode, DTCS code and DTCS RX code are reversed.
When selecting DTCS->DTCS crossmode, DTCS code and DTCS RX code are reversed in the WLN KD-C1 handset.
Chirp daily 20200909
GTK 2.24.10
PyGTK 2.24.0
Python 2.7.10
To reproduce:
For a channel, choose DTCS->DTCS in the "Cross mode" column.
Choose a DTCS transmit code in the "DTCS code" column.
Choose a DTCS receive code in the "DTCS RX code" column.
Transmit from the handset and observe that it sends the DTCS code from the "DTCS RX code" column.
Transmit to the handset and observe that it uses the DTCS code from the "DTCS code" column to open squelch.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
Hi Jan,
Are you sure? I just dug out my Retevis RT22 (a WLN KD-C1 equivalent), charged it up and programmed a channel using...
Tone Mode: Cross
Cross Mode: DTCS->DTCS
DTCS Code: 212
DTCS Rx Code: 343
Then I programmed the VFO of my UV-82 the same frequency and used menu 10 (R-DCS) to scan for the transmitted DTCS code.
D212N (as expected)
Then I set menu 12 (T-DCS) to D212N and transmitted from the UV-82 to the RT22. Squelch did not open (as expected). I then set menu 12 (T-DCS) to D343N and transmitted to the RT22. The squelch opened and the radio received the signal (as expected).
Then for good measure I installed the Retevis programming software for the RT22 and read the radio...
CTCSS/DCS Dec: D343N (as expected)
CTCSS/DCS Enc: D212N (as expected)
So based on my testing, everything works as expected.
I would suggest that you read the radio with the WLN KD-C1 programming software to see what that shows.
Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 4 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Closed
- Model affected changed from (All models) to WLN KD-C1
- Platform changed from Windows to All
No more traffic on this ticket. Please let us know in case you think that it should stay open. Thanks!