Bug #8257
closedf8hp not receiving correctly
The radio has been working fine and a few days ago i programmed in some channels in CHIRP. It worked fine but today I started to notice I wasn't hearing everything. Most of the time its like the receiver is muted or something.
If I click on menu or hold the mon key then I can hear everything perfectly but when it is sitting there idle it doesn't receive properly.
CHIRP says my firmware is HN5RV01 when i press 3 and power on it displays bf-f8hp-1.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Updated by Bernhard Hailer over 4 years ago
- Model affected changed from (All models) to Baofeng BF-F8HP
- Platform changed from Windows to All
Might you have programmed some squelch tones, perhaps? In that case the radio is doing what it is supposed to do. If it doesn't hear the selected analog or digital signal from another party, then it will mute.
Please give us an example of a channel on which you can't hear anything, and tell us what you programmed for it.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 4 years ago
If you upload the backup image that you created before making change, does the radio receive normally?
Would you make a fresh download from your radio and save it as a CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) file so it can be added to this issue?
Updated by ian forte over 4 years ago
- File Baofeng_BF-F8HP_20200917-NORXSOUND.img Baofeng_BF-F8HP_20200917-NORXSOUND.img added
- File Baofeng_BF-F8HP_20200917-AFTERRESET-STOCK.img Baofeng_BF-F8HP_20200917-AFTERRESET-STOCK.img added
Sure. I can download the img now. Do you want me to email it to you?
Is it possible to get a copy of the firmware my radio is supposed to have? It seems like that might have something to do with it.
I've attached the img files. thank you.
Updated by Andrew Lawlor over 4 years ago
I am having the same issue on 3 brand new Baofeng radios, all purchased in the last 30 days.
I am using the latest dailybuild from the CHIRP site.
They were working fine until I used CHIRP to load repeaters.
Now, none of the 3 will emit receive audio on channel mode for repeaters that are programmed into the radio unless I press the menu button.
At which point, I can hear the conversations on the radio.
All 3 are transmitting
And if I set them in frequency mode on 146.52 I can send and receive among them.
I did notice that when programming any of the three devices - a UV5R, a BF-F8HP, and the 2019 BaoFeng UV-9S, the repeater information is not uploading to the radio properly.
It seems that the T-CTCS is not being written and the repeater offset value does not appear. Further, it may very well be that it is setting the wrong Tone Squelch setting when writing to the radio. I cannot change the Tone Squelch setting manually so once it's written to the radio, it just doesn't work.
Updated by Bernhard Hailer over 4 years ago
ian forte wrote:
Sure. I can download the img now. Do you want me to email it to you?
Is it possible to get a copy of the firmware my radio is supposed to have? It seems like that might have something to do with it.
I've attached the img files. thank you.
This is a misunderstanding. Jim is asking whether you can upload your backup image back into the radio and to see whether it works again as expected. Also, Chirp does not write any firmware into your radio, it merely is able to program channels and settings. The firmware on a BF-F8HP cannot be changed.
Updated by Andrew Lawlor over 4 years ago
I had my first BF-F8HP replaced through Amazon and the 2nd one came out and has the exact same issue with repeaters... I programmed two channels with CHIRP. 146.52 and the local repeater.
I can hit the repeater but I can't hear anyone talking on it.
I even took my rig to a local expert who owns many different HT radios including a handful of Baofeng (different models).
He exported his repeater directory to my laptop and I uploaded to my radio and I still can't hear the receive audio.
I've scoured the internet and found similar issues with UV-5R radios that were supposedly fixed by turning 'beep off'
another guy says you have to reload the image that matches the firmware you have loaded - I can't find one for the BF-F8HP firmware version that I have.
This is so disappointing.
I bought a more expensive HT and used chirp to program repeaters and it works perfectly.
Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 4 years ago
Andrew, Ian, what are the parameters for the repeater you are programming? Is the repeater transmitting a tone?
Also please answer our question whether uploading the original image fixes the behavior you have seen. Thanks!
Updated by Bernhard Hailer over 3 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Closed
No more traffic on this ticket.