



Bug #8047


BTech - UV-50X3 (May Be Related to Issue#6431)

Added by Oscuridad Oscuridad over 4 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

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BTech UV-50x3
Debug Log:
I read the instructions above:


When setting the DTCS Code & DTCS Rx Code, DTCS RX Code doesn't seem to get uploaded or saved to the radio. (Could be related to CHIRP Bug#6431)

Example Config Upload #1:
Tone Mode: DTCS DTCS Code 703, DTCS Rx Code 703
Radio Stores:
Tone Mode: DTCS DTCS Code 703, DTCS Rx Code 023

Example #2
Tone Mode: CROSS DTCS Code 703, DTCS RX Code 703
Radio Stores:
Tone Mode: DTCS DTCS Code 703, DTCS Rx Code 023


CHIRP Config Comparison.JPG (94.7 KB) CHIRP Config Comparison.JPG CHIRP Config Comparison for HTs & UV-50X3 (all devices can now communicate using this config) Oscuridad Oscuridad, 07/07/2020 10:24 AM
UV-50X3_Issue.jpg (289 KB) UV-50X3_Issue.jpg Display Screens Oscuridad Oscuridad, 07/09/2020 10:01 AM
BTECH_UV-50X3_2020Jul09-FRESH.img (32.2 KB) BTECH_UV-50X3_2020Jul09-FRESH.img UV50X3 img file Oscuridad Oscuridad, 07/09/2020 10:30 AM
Baofeng_BF-F8HP_2020Jul09.img (6.5 KB) Baofeng_BF-F8HP_2020Jul09.img HT Image Oscuridad Oscuridad, 07/09/2020 10:30 AM

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to Bug #6431: BTech UV-50x3 programmingClosed02/08/2019

Actions #1

Updated by Oscuridad Oscuridad over 4 years ago

Same happens when setting any DTCS Code & DTCS Rx Code combo

Actions #2

Updated by Jim Unroe over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Incomplete

CHIRP is working as intended and sending the correct settings to the radio (I dug out my BTECH UV-50X3 to double check). You are just don have a complete understanding how CHIRP is configured for the various selective call scenarios.

When Tone Mode is set to DTCS, the value in the DTCS Code field is used for both the TX DTCS code and the RX DTCS code. The default value (023) in the DTCS Rx Code field is unused and ignored by CHIRP.

Tone Mode = DTCS
DTCS Code = (value used for both TX DTCS code and RX DTCS code)
DTCS Rx Code = unused

The only time you will use the DTCS Code field and DTCS Rx Code field at the same time is when they are asymmetrical (not the same). In that case you would be using the Cross Mode field to set it up.

Tone Mode = Cross
Cross Mode = DTCS->DTCS
DTCS Code = (value used for TX code and not the same as RX code)
DTCS Rx Code = (value used for RX code and not the same as TX code)

So when Tone Mode is set to Cross and Cross Mode is set to DTCS->DTCS and both the DTCS Code field and the DTCS Rx Code field are set to the same DTCS code value, CHIRP notices and changes Tone Mode to DTCS and changes the unused and ignored DTCS Rx Code field to the default value (023) which would be the preferred equivalent.

In addition, you must have disabled Hide Unused Fields (enabled is the default). With Hide Unused Fields enabled, the DTCS Rx Code field would have been " " {blank} to indicate that this field is not used when Tone Mode is set to DTCS. I would recommend that you re-enable Hide Unused Fields so that the unused and ignored fields will be once again hidden. Then you will know that "blank" fields don't require a value.

For more information, you can review these guides.
"Understanding CHIRP's columns":
"CHIRP Programming Reference":


Actions #3

Updated by Oscuridad Oscuridad over 4 years ago

It appears I may have a bugged unit then, or stumbled into something very peculiar, as setting the DTCS Code in Tone Mode DCS doesn't allow me to HEAR a transmission from my HTs on the UV-50X3, but it does allow me to transmit to the HTs.

I found that downloading the config from the radio through CHIRP, changing my DTCS channels to [CROSS, 703, DTCS->] resolved the issue for all the programmed memory channels that were having this DTCS issue on the UV-50X3. Now I can successfully transmit & receive from/to all my HTs that were configured in CHIRP as [DTCS, 703].

See the attached screenshot of the WORKING channel configurations for my HTs and the UV-50X3. (attached)

Actions #4

Updated by Jim Unroe over 4 years ago

Your HTs must not be transmitting the matching DTCS code. All you have done in your "workaround" is turn off the RX DTCSS code requirement in your BTECH UV-50X3. It only transmits a DTCS code and only requires a carrier to be received in order to open its squelch.


Actions #5

Updated by Oscuridad Oscuridad over 4 years ago

You're absolutely correct, removing the RX DTCS code on the UV-50X3 is the only way I could get this to work.
Obviously this isn't ideal if I'm trying to filter out transmissions not using the correct TX DTCS Code.

However, when I push [DTCS, 703] for channel 00, or [DTCS,723] for channels 127 & 128, to the UV-50X3, my HTs can receive TXs from the UV-50X3 but the UV-50X3 cannot break squelch from the HTs. Additionally, when I manually tune the HTs to the frequencies for said channels above, no DTCS TX/RX codes configured, my UV-50X3 cannot break squelch on those transmissions either. So SOME DCS appears to be configured, but not quite the right one...

The HTs have no issues communicating between each other with said settings pushed via CHIRP or configured manually.
Only the UV50X3 is having this issue receiving...even when frequency & DCS mode is configured manually on the UV50X3.
After all this testing, I believe the issue lies with my UV-50X3 unit and not CHIRP.

Actions #6

Updated by Jim Unroe over 4 years ago

Attach an image from your UV-50X3 with a channel with both TX and RX DTCS and a second channel with TX DTCS only so I can look at it. Also attach and image from your HT.


Actions #7

Updated by Oscuridad Oscuridad over 4 years ago

See attached picture.

Actions #8

Updated by Jim Unroe over 4 years ago

Oscuridad Oscuridad wrote:

See attached picture.

My request is for CHIRP Radio Image (*.img) files. Not a picture. ;-)



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