



Bug #7991


fix for Icom IC-T8E

Added by Mike Parks over 4 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

Target version:
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Chirp Version:
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I read the instructions above:


The latest version of CHIRP will not program the above, but version 20190215 does the job.
It would be good if a future tweak could address: hi / lo power column, 12.5khz handling.
Thank you
Mike - G4UPD


Actions #1

Updated by Jim Unroe over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Incomplete

What are the valid steps for this radio?


Actions #2

Updated by Mike Parks over 4 years ago

Hi Jim,
Tuning steps (kHZ) = 5,10,12.5,15,20,25,30,50,100.
It would be good to have more than the current 4 character spaces in the column for the memory station ID, handy when editing, not displayed on the Icom IC-T8E screen though.
Also a column for High/Low power setting would be good, the older CHIRP version results in a LOW setting as shown on the display; there is no LOW shown on the display when a key press on the rig changes from high to low and vice versa.
Kind regards and many thanks.
Mike - G4UPD

Actions #3

Updated by Jim Unroe over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Incomplete to In Progress
  • Assignee set to Jim Unroe
  • Target version set to chirp-legacy
  • Model affected changed from (All models) to IC-T8A/E
  • Platform changed from Windows to All

Hi Mike,

Mike Parks wrote:

Tuning steps (kHZ) = 5,10,12.5,15,20,25,30,50,100.

Perfect. I have the patch ready to go except for the steps. I will add them and submit the patch in a few minutes.

It would be good to have more than the current 4 character spaces in the column for the memory station ID, handy when editing, not displayed on the Icom IC-T8E screen though.

As far as I know, this is a limitation of the radio, not CHIRP.

Also a column for High/Low power setting would be good, the older CHIRP version results in a LOW setting as shown on the display; there is no LOW shown on the display when a key press on the rig changes from high to low and vice versa.

The driver doesn't map the memory where the power levels are. To take a stab at this I would need...
1 to know what the power levels are
2 have multiple CHIRP Radio Image (*.img) file with the only difference being the power level setting on a particular channel

I can't promise anything, but if you can supply the above power level information, I can at least take a look at it.


Actions #4

Updated by Jim Unroe over 4 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 50

The patch adding the valid tuning steps has been submitted. Once approved, support will be available in the following CHIRP daily build.


Actions #5

Updated by Mike Parks over 4 years ago

Hi Jim,
Great news re. the spacings.
The rig does only shows the frequency not the name so I think it might be a CHIRP matter and it would not need to be uploaded but merely as a reminder of the repeater callsign.
The power levels are 5W high and 0.5W low. Low power shows as 'LOW' on the display, if High power is button selected there is no note on the display.
Hope this helps.
Mike - G4UPD

Actions #6

Updated by Jim Unroe over 4 years ago

Mike Parks wrote:

The rig does only shows the frequency not the name so I think it might be a CHIRP matter and it would not need to be uploaded but merely as a reminder of the repeater callsign.

CHIRP does not edit or supply comments. It only edits the radio's memory. The radio only supplies enough memory to store 4 characters per name, per channel. Sorry, but this is a radio limitation. You might export the channels to a CSV file and add comments to that.

The power levels are 5W high and 0.5W low. Low power shows as 'LOW' on the display, if High power is button selected there is no note on the display.

Thanks for the providing the power levels. I still need the CHIRP "images". At least one *.img file with a channel set to 5W and a second *.img file with the same channel set to 0.5 watts.


Actions #7

Updated by Mike Parks over 4 years ago

OK re the characters allowed, is now understand.
I don't remember seeing a drop down / whatever in either version of CHIRP that showed power level; I'll have another look when I fire up my Windows PC.
Mike - G4UPD

Actions #8

Updated by Mike Parks over 4 years ago

Hi Jim,
attached a CHIRP file from my IC-T8E using the 20190215 version.
Regards and thanks for all your help.
Mike - G4UPD

Actions #9

Updated by Jim Unroe over 4 years ago

Mike Parks wrote:

OK re the characters allowed, is now understand.
I don't remember seeing a drop down / whatever in either version of CHIRP that showed power level; I'll have another look when I fire up my Windows PC.
Mike - G4UPD


There isn't one (yet). What I need is two image. The first one would be a fresh download from your radio. The at the radio you would change the power level of just 1 channel and download again. Supply both image. I then have to compare the two images to see if I can figure out where in the radio the per-channel power level is stored (assuming it is a per-channel setting). It might be a global setting and that would explain why the author of the IC-T8 driver didn't implement it.



Actions #10

Updated by Mike Parks over 4 years ago

I'll try to do what you ask this evening.
I have a zip file of the ICOMUK programming file if that might shed any light for you.

Actions #11

Updated by Jim Unroe over 4 years ago

Mike Parks wrote:

I'll try to do what you ask this evening.
I have a zip file of the ICOMUK programming file if that might shed any light for you.

There is not rush. Whenever it is convenient for you. I have to work it into my schedule here as well.

Don't attach the ICOMUK programming software to this issue. It is not considered appropriate and would be removed.


Actions #12

Updated by Mike Parks over 4 years ago

OK Jim, two files attached. I understand re. the other file.

Actions #13

Updated by Mike Parks over 4 years ago

Jim, it looked as though the two files weren't uploaded, hence this new note. Mike

Actions #14

Updated by Jim Unroe over 4 years ago

Mike Parks wrote:

Jim, it looked as though the two files weren't uploaded, hence this new note. Mike

Thanks, Mike. I'll take a look at them. I'll let you know what I find out.


Actions #15

Updated by Jim Unroe over 4 years ago


It doesn't look like the transmitter power level is a per-channel setting. If you change it, it changes for all of the channels, right?


Actions #16

Updated by Mike Parks over 4 years ago

correct, the power level setting stays even when you change from VFO to MR and back, also the level does not change from band to band.

Actions #17

Updated by Mike Parks over 4 years ago

It is of course possible to change the power setting at will when moving from band to band and VFO to MR.
Sounds a silly statement but it is factual!
Output power levels do vary depending on the battery pack used.

Actions #18

Updated by Jim Unroe over 4 years ago

Mike Parks wrote:

correct, the power level setting stays even when you change from VFO to MR and back, also the level does not change from band to band.

So then all you need to do is set the power level in the radio to the way you want it and then download the radio into CHIRP and save it to a CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) file. If the radio was set to the HIGH power level, then the radio will always be set to the HIGH power level after the upload.


Actions #19

Updated by Mike Parks over 4 years ago

Yes, quite so.
Mike - G4UPD

Actions #20

Updated by Anonymous over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed
  • % Done changed from 50 to 100

Applied in changeset commit:eae1ccc93439.


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