Bug #7901
closedcould not open port 2: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified
ok heres goes before anyone starts with check com ports lol thats not the issue comport and drivers all work with other programing software just not with chirp .....
ive got 2 cables that work fine with baofang and Hesenate with factory software but not chirp odd and cable one generic hesenate cable works great and 1 prolific with driver also works great for 3 radios with Miklor software no problems with both cables ive checked all available comports on my laptop .
this is probly a bug on this new build just released ... any info on stuff to try please help thanks
i am with an emergency radio communications organization here in puerto rico and am so far behind on getting radios programed please help thanks 214-206-7949
Updated by Jim Unroe almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Incomplete
- Priority changed from Urgent to Normal
Hi Monte,
You have not supplied the radio Vendor/Model you are working with or any other details about what is going on (such as; error messages, the debug.log file, which version of Windows you are using, etc).
There has been nothing changed in CHIRP regarding how it communicates with Baofeng radios for months. For the sake of argument, if it was something that recently changed in CHIRP affecting your issue, you could go back to an earlier version for CHIRP and state which older version works to assist in the investigation.
Updated by monte keiner almost 5 years ago
iam getting the same error code on 2 setups same subject title posted
1 asus laptop windows 10 pro 64 bit all up to date chirps latest built .
1 hp elitbook 32 bit windows 7 home
I can only read from UV 5R RADIO AND WRITE TO
I can use prolific cable and hrmc cable for both computers all comports work great I canr read from BAOFENG BF-F8HP I GET AN ERROR radio not responding on both computers regardless of cable or computer period or comport ....however sentinel uniden software for for all 8 of my scannes program fine from both computers,and I can use freescan on these comports also no problem at all and 6 different versions of rt systems software also ......
I also have a ASUS laptop 64 bit windows pro 10 all up to date and I use it to program all scanners using all comports and use the same cables on 9 RT SYSTEMS radios SCANNERS and radios a watch and several other programmable items oh and gps programing software devices HOWEVER
I cant seem to get chirp latest build to open a comport any of them and find this darn file its saying lol see the subject that's the error iam getting everytime ,so this is why I say its a bug .
oh and I can connect and download and upload with all computer and cables using miklo software so that's a bug same cables on all computers an any com port work great so yeppers its a bug let me know if you need anymore info thanks
Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 5 years ago
- Model affected changed from (All models) to Baofeng, Hesenate
Could you please provide a debug log as described in the Wiki: "How To Report Issues"?
Updated by Jim Unroe almost 5 years ago
When you launch CHIRP, are you right-clicking the CHIRP icon and choosing "Run as administrator"? Try it and report back.
Updated by monte keiner almost 5 years ago
no luck using admin sign in with chirp same errors will look for log file to post but so far ive tried 4 computers and am seeing alot alot of posts about this same error and problem so i guess i dont feel so bad now because alot of people are having the same problem
Updated by monte keiner almost 5 years ago
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,213] chirp.logger - DEBUG: CHIRP daily-20200521 on WinVista/7 (Python 2.7.10)
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,667] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Alinco_DR03T = DR03Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,667] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Alinco_DR06T = DR06Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,667] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Alinco_DR135T = DR135Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,667] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Alinco_DR235T = DR235Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,667] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Alinco_DR435T = DR435Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,667] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Alinco_DJ596 = DJ596Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,667] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Jetstream_JT220M = JT220MRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,667] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Alinco_DJ175 = DJ175Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,667] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Alinco_DJ-G7EG = AlincoDJG7EG
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,667] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered AnyTone_5888UV = AnyTone5888UVRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,667] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Intek_HR-2040 = IntekHR2040Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,667] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Polmar_DB-50M = PolmarDB50MRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,667] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Powerwerx_DB-750X = PowerwerxDB750XRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,683] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered AnyTone_778UV = AnyTone778UV
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,683] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered AnyTone_TERMN-8R = AnyToneTERMN8RRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,683] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered AnyTone_OBLTR-8R = AnyToneOBLTR8RRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-3R = UV3RRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_BF-A58 = BFA58
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-82WP = UV82WP
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_GT-3WP = GT3WP
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Retevis_RT6 = RT6
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_BF-A58S = BFA58S
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-9R = UV9R
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_BF-T1 = BFT1
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baojie_BJ-9900 = BJ9900Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-5R = BaofengUV5RGeneric
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_F-11 = BaofengF11Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-82 = BaofengUV82Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Radioddity_UV-82X3 = Radioddity82X3Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-6 = BaofengUV6Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Intek_KT-980HP = IntekKT980Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_BF-F8HP = BaofengBFF8HPRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-82HP = BaofengUV82HPRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Radioddity_UV-5RX3 = RadioddityUV5RX3Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baojie_BJ-UV55 = BaojieBJUV55Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Boblov_X3Plus = BoblovX3Plus
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered BTECH_UV-2501 = UV2501
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered BTECH_UV-2501+220 = UV2501_220
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered BTECH_UV-5001 = UV5001
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered WACCOM_MINI-8900 = MINI8900
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered QYT_KT-UV980 = KTUV980
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered QYT_KT8900 = KT9800
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered QYT_KT8900R = KT9800R
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered LUITON_LT-588UV = LT588UV
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered BTECH_UV-25X2 = UV25X2
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered BTECH_UV-25X4 = UV25X4
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered BTECH_UV-50X2 = UV50X2
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered QYT_KT7900D = KT7900D
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered QYT_KT8900D = KT8900D
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered BTECH_GMRS-50X1 = GMRS50X1
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Feidaxin_FD-268A = FD268ARadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Feidaxin_FD-268B = FD268BRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Feidaxin_FD-288A = FD288ARadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Feidaxin_FD-288B = FD288BRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Feidaxin_FD-150A = FD150ARadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Feidaxin_FD-160A = FD160ARadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Feidaxin_FD-450A = FD450ARadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Feidaxin_FD-460A = FD460ARadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Feidaxin_FD-460UH = FD460UHRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-1500M = FT1500Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-1802M = FT1802Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-1D_R = FT1Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,697] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-2800M = FT2800Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,713] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-2900R_1900R = FT2900Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,713] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT2D_R = FT2D
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,713] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT2D_Rv2 = FT2Dv2
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,713] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT3D_R = FT3D
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,713] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-4XR = YaesuFT4XRRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,713] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-4XE = YaesuFT4XERadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,713] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-4VR = YaesuFT4VRRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,713] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-65R = YaesuFT65RRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,713] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-65E = YaesuFT65ERadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,713] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-25R = YaesuFT25RRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,713] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-450D = FT450DRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,713] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-50 = FT50Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,713] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-60 = FT60Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,713] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-70D = FT70Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,713] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-7100M = FT7100Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,713] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-7800_7900 = FT7800Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,713] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-8800 = FT8800Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,713] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-8900 = FT8900Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,713] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-8100 = FT8100Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,713] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-817 = FT817Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,713] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-817ND = FT817NDRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,713] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-817ND_US = FT817NDUSRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,713] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-818 = FT818Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,713] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-818ND_US = FT818NDUSRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,713] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-857_897 = FT857Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,713] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-857_897_US = FT857USRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,713] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-90 = FT90Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,713] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FTM-3200D_R = FTM3200Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,713] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FTM-350 = FTM350Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,713] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Radioddity_GA-510 = RadioddityGA510Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,713] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Generic_CSV = CSVRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,713] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Commander_KG-UV = CommanderCSVRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,713] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered RT_Systems_CSV = RTCSVRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:49,713] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered ARRL_Travel_Plus = TpeRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,042] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Generic_XML = XMLRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,042] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered BTECH_GMRS-V1 = GMRSV1
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,042] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_BF-888 = H777Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,042] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Radioddity_GA-2S = ROGA2SRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,042] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered HobbyPCB_RS-UV3 = HobbyPCBRSUV3Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,042] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-208H = IC208Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,042] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-2100H = IC2100Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,042] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-2200H = IC2200Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,042] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-2300H = IC2300Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,042] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-2720H = IC2720Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,042] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-2730A = IC2730Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,042] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-2820H = IC2820Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,042] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-91_92AD = IC9xRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,042] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_7200 = Icom7200Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,042] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-7000 = Icom7000Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,042] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-7100 = Icom7100Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,042] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_746 = Icom746Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,042] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-P7 = ICP7Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,042] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-Q7A = ICQ7Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-T70 = ICT70Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-T7H = ICT7HRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-T8A = ICT8ARadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-W32A = ICW32ARadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-W32E = ICW32ERadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-V82_U82 = ICx8xRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-E90 = ICx90Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_ID-31A = ID31Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_ID-51 = ID51Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_ID-51_Plus = ID51PLUSRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_ID-800H_v2 = ID800v2Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_ID-880H = ID880Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_ID-80H = ID80Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_HMK = HMKRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_ITM = ITMRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TH-D7 = THD7Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TH-D7G = THD7GRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-D700 = TMD700Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-V7 = TMV7Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-G707 = TMG707Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TH-G71 = THG71Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TH-F6 = THF6ARadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TH-F7 = THF7ERadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-D710 = TMD710Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TH-D72_live_mode = THD72Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-V71 = TMV71Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-D710G = TMD710GRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TH-K2 = THK2Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-271 = TM271Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-281 = TM281Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-471 = TM471Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TS-590S_SG_LiveMode = TS590Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TS-480_LiveMode = TS480Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Wouxun_KG-UV8D = KGUV8DRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Wouxun_KG-UV8D_Plus = KGUV8DPlusRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Wouxun_KG-UV8E = KGUV8ERadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Wouxun_KG-UV9D_Plus = KGUV9DPlusRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered KYD_NC-630A = NC630aRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered KYD_IP-620 = IP620Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Leixen_VV-898 = LeixenVV898Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Jetstream_JT270M = JetstreamJT270MRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Jetstream_JT270MH = JetstreamJT270MHRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,058] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Leixen_VV-898S = LeixenVV898SRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,073] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered LUITON_LT-725UV = LT725UV
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,073] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baojie_BJ-218 = Baojie218
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,073] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered BTECH_MURS-V1 = MURSV1
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,073] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Wouxun_KG-UVD1P = KGUVD1PRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,073] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Wouxun_KG-UV6 = KGUV6DRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,073] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Wouxun_KG-816 = KG816Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,073] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Wouxun_KG-818 = KG818Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,073] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Puxing_PX-777 = Puxing777Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,073] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Puxing_PX-2R = Puxing2RRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,073] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Puxing_PX-888K = Puxing_PX888K_Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,073] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Radioddity_R2 = RadioddityR2Generic
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,073] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Radtel_T18 = T18Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,073] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Retevis_RT1 = RT1Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,073] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Retevis_RT21 = RT21Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,073] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Retevis_RT22 = RT22Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,073] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered WLN_KD-C1 = KDC1
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,073] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Zastone_ZT-X6 = ZTX6
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,073] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered LUITON_LT-316 = LT316
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,073] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TID_TD-M8 = TDM8
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,073] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Retevis_RT23 = RT23Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,073] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Retevis_RT26 = RT26Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,073] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Rugged_RH5R-V2 = RH5RV2
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,073] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TDXone_TD-Q8A = TDXoneTDQ8A
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,073] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-B5 = BaofengUVB5
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,073] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-350 = Th350Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,073] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-7800_File = TYTTH7800File
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,073] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-7800 = TYTTH7800Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,073] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH9000_220 = Th9000220Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,073] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH9000_144 = Th9000144Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,073] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH9000_440 = Th9000440Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,073] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-9800_File = TYTTH9800File
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,073] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-9800 = TYTTH9800Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,073] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-UV3R = TYTUV3RRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,073] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-UV3R-25 = TYTUV3R25Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-UV8000 = THUV8000Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-UVF8D = TYTUVF8DRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TH-D72_clone_mode = THD72Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-UVF1 = TYTTHUVF1Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-260 = TK260_Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-270 = TK270_Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-272 = TK272_Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-278 = TK278_Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-360 = TK360_Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-370 = TK370_Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-372 = TK372_Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-378 = TK378_Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-760 = TK760_Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-762 = TK762_Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-768 = TK768_Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-860 = TK860_Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-862 = TK862_Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-868 = TK868_Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-868G = TK868G_Radios
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-862G = TK862G_Radios
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-860G = TK860G_Radios
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-768G = TK768G_Radios
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-762G = TK762G_Radios
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-760G = TK760G_Radios
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-388G = TK388G_Radios
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-378G = TK378G_Radios
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-372G = TK372G_Radios
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-370G = TK370G_Radios
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-360G = TK360G_Radios
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-278G = TK278G_Radios
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-272G = TK272G_Radios
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-270G = TK270G_Radios
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-260G = TK260G_Radios
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-7102 = KenwoodTK7102Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-8102 = KenwoodTK8102Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-7108 = KenwoodTK7108Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-8108 = KenwoodTK8108Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-7180 = KenwoodTK7180Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-8180 = KenwoodTK8180Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-2180 = KenwoodTK2180Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-3180K = KenwoodTK3180K1Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-3180K2 = KenwoodTK3180K2Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TS-2000 = TS2000Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TS-480_CloneMode = TS480Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TS-590SG_CloneMode = TS590Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TS-590S_CloneMode = TS590SRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TS-850 = TS850Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered BTECH_UV-5X3 = UV5X3
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered MTC_UV-5R-3 = MTCUV5R3Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,088] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-6R = UV6R
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,105] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered BTECH_UV-50X3 = UV50X3
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,105] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-170 = VX170Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,105] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-2 = VX2Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,105] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-3 = VX3Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,105] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-5 = VX5Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,105] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-6 = VX6Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,105] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-7 = VX7Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,105] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-8R = VX8Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,105] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-8DR = VX8DRadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,105] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-8GE = VX8GERadio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,105] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Vertex_Standard_VXA-700 = VXA700Radio
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,105] elib.intl - DEBUG: Set environment variable 'LANG' to 'en_US' ('kernel32.SetEnvironmentVariableW')
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,105] elib.intl - DEBUG: Set environment variable 'LANG' to 'en_US' ('msvcrt.putenv')
[2020-05-22 19:14:50,105] elib.intl - DEBUG: Set environment variable 'LANG' to 'en_US' ('msvcr90._putenv')
[2020-05-22 19:14:52,917] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2020-05-22 19:14:52,917] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2020-05-22 19:14:52,917] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2020-05-22 19:14:52,917] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2020-05-22 19:14:52,917] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2020-05-22 19:14:52,917] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2020-05-22 19:14:52,917] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2020-05-22 19:14:52,917] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2020-05-22 19:14:52,933] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2020-05-22 19:14:52,933] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2020-05-22 19:14:52,933] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2020-05-22 19:14:52,933] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2020-05-22 19:14:52,933] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2020-05-22 19:14:52,933] chirp.ui.reporting - DEBUG: Checking for updates
[2020-05-22 19:14:53,448] chirp.ui.reporting - DEBUG: Server reports version daily-20200521 is latest
[2020-05-22 19:15:18,006] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: User selected Baofeng UV-5R on port 2
[2020-05-22 19:15:18,006] chirp.ui.reporting - DEBUG: Reporting exception
[2020-05-22 19:15:18,006] chirp.ui.inputdialog - ERROR: --- Exception Dialog: could not open port 2: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified. ---
[2020-05-22 19:15:18,006] chirp.ui.inputdialog - ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "chirp\ui\mainapp.pyo", line 731, in do_download
File "serial\serialwin32.pyo", line 30, in __init_
File "serial\serialutil.pyo", line 260, in init
File "serial\serialwin32.pyo", line 56, in open
SerialException: could not open port 2: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified.
[2020-05-22 19:15:18,006] chirp.ui.inputdialog - ERROR: ----------------------------
Updated by monte keiner almost 5 years ago
sorry heres the file
Updated by Jim Unroe almost 5 years ago
Are you sure that COM2 is the port assigned to the programming cable?
Updated by monte keiner almost 5 years ago
- File 20200522_231959.jpg 20200522_231959.jpg added
yeppers lolol as stated before and will again ive checked all comports 1 at a time and yes double and triple checked and then checked again because this seems to be where everyone is ask lol see above and check the pic below lol and as you will find in the debug file lol
Updated by monte keiner almost 5 years ago
Please can someone change this subject to ......The Baffling Bug ........... because it seems to be something that happens alot and nobody seems to have any help for it lol just kidding i could use some help if anyone knows anything to try iam game to try ....
Updated by monte keiner almost 5 years ago
does anyone know of a gmail for the Baofeng company web site maybe they can shed some light on the problem with chirp they advertize it on the website ?
Updated by monte keiner over 4 years ago
still no luck on this BUG still no help on even any assistance for something to try ?
do the manufactures even support chirp anymore ? thanks for any assistance someone would be willing to help with i mean any ideas at all ?
Updated by Jim Unroe over 4 years ago
It isn't a CHIRP bug. It is a problem with your Windows and/or your the installed device driver.
Have you tried starting CHIRP by right clicking the CHIRP shortcut and choosing "Run as administrator".
Updated by monte keiner over 4 years ago
yeppers tried running as admin from chirp Icon ......tried using all usb ports from computer tried on both asus computers running windows pro on one and windows interprize on the other still no luck ....and remember both cables i have work fine on both coputers with other systems and even other computers but just not chirp still searching for answers thnks for the help tho ..
Updated by monte keiner over 4 years ago
UPDATE.....UPDATE.....The NEW update file ......just update and this first asus laptop is working great on all comports with both cables now after new update file woooooooohoooooo thankn you guys for the new file wow itsw working now i knew it was a BUG lol i just hope the other asus will work with new file ....... i am in process of a total reformat of hardrive and reinstall of windows thinking i would rule out anything on my end ....which now with this update it has ......amazing but so happy now if we can just get chirp to incorporate a print feature like all the other progrming software programs and a export feature for excel or word lol it would be a primary program instead of a secondary.. but anyway thanks guys for the new file .....
Updated by Jim Unroe over 4 years ago
- Status changed from Incomplete to Resolved
Something changed on your end to fix it. It wasn't a CHIRP bug. For example, if you reinstall the previous version that your replaces, I'll bet it still works.
The important thing is that it is now working for you.
CHIRP can export the memory channels to a CSV file which can then be loaded into a spreadsheet program.
Updated by Bernhard Hailer over 4 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed