



Bug #7851


cross mode reverts to tsql or dtcs when refreshed or saved

Added by Howard Legan almost 5 years ago. Updated almost 5 years ago.

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Model affected:
Baofeng UV-82HP
Debug Log:
I read the instructions above:


While attempting to program repeaters into my Baofeng UV-82hp, cross mode does not stay selected.

I have 4 repeaters that require more than just a single pl tone.

Firts is GMRS and requires a tx pl and rx dcs,(this one programs and saves properly using the corresponding cross and tone->dtcs drop downs)

Next is a vhf repeater that requires tx pl and rx pl of 100,(programs with corresponding cross and tone->tone drop downs but reverts to TSQL and only one pl on save or refresh)

The final two both require tx and rx dcs of 244,(again they program with the corresponding cross and dtcs->dtcs drop downs but revert to DTSC with only one code on save or refresh).


Baofeng_UV-82HP_FSEP_20200502.img (6.49 KB) Baofeng_UV-82HP_FSEP_20200502.img Howard Legan, 05/02/2020 10:37 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Jim Unroe almost 5 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Incomplete
  • Priority changed from Urgent to Normal

Hi Howard,

Howard Legan wrote:

While attempting to program repeaters into my Baofeng UV-82hp, cross mode does not stay selected.

I have 4 repeaters that require more than just a single pl tone.

Firts is GMRS and requires a tx pl and rx dcs,(this one programs and saves properly using the corresponding cross and tone->dtcs drop downs)

You are programming this correct. Cross Mode is used when the TX tone/code is not the same as the RX tone/code (PLtone1->PLtone2, DPLcode1->DPLcode2, PL->DPL, DPL->PL, etc).

Next is a vhf repeater that requires tx pl and rx pl of 100,(programs with corresponding cross and tone->tone drop downs but reverts to TSQL and only one pl on save or refresh)

The final two both require tx and rx dcs of 244,(again they program with the corresponding cross and dtcs->dtcs drop downs but revert to DTSC with only one code on save or refresh).

For these 3 repeaters, when the TX tone and RX tone are the same you do not use Cross Mode. Cross Mode, as mentioned above, is only used when the TX tone/code is not the same as the RX tone/code. For these three repeaters, because the TX tone and the RX tone are the same, CHIRP is automatically changing the selections to the more appropriate way it should be programmed.

Take a look at TSQL: option on the "Understanding CHIRP's columns": wiki page (appropriate section repeated below).

h2. Tone Mode

This sets the mode used to transmit or receive squelch tones (or related selective calling technologies). The following explains what the options means:

  • (None): No tone or code is transmitted, receive squelch is open or carrier-triggered.
  • Tone: A single CTCSS tone is transmitted, receive squelch is open or carrier-triggered. The tone used is that which is set in the Tone column.
  • +TSQL: A single CTCSS tone is transmitted, receive squelch is tone-coded to the same tone. The tone used is that which is set in the ToneSql column.+
  • DTCS: A single DTCS/DCS code is transmitted, receive squelch is digitally tone-coded to the same code. The code used is that which is set in the DTCS Code column.
  • Cross: A complex arrangement of squelch technologies is in use. See the definition of the Cross Mode column for details.


Actions #2

Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Incomplete to Closed
  • Model affected changed from Baofeng UV-82hp to Baofeng UV-82HP
  • Platform changed from Windows to All

Explanation provided.


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