



New Model #7599


Vertex & Vertex-Standard, e.g. FTL-1011, FTL-2011, FTL-7011

Added by William Howell about 5 years ago. Updated almost 3 years ago.

In Progress
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Equipment Loan/Gift Offered:
I read the instructions above:



Will the Vertex-Standard programming under Chrip work with the earlier models of Vertex like with the FTL-1011 VHF Low Band (4,12, 24, & 99 Channel Alpha Numeric),
FTL-2011 VHF High Band (4,12, 24, & 99 Channel Alpha Numeric) and the FTL-7011 UHF 400-512 (4, 12, 24, & 99 Channel Alpha Numeric) radios? Plenty of the still floating around and they work great for Amateur bands also.



Captura de pantalla de 2021-07-29 22-45-23.png (95.2 KB) Captura de pantalla de 2021-07-29 22-45-23.png Sample view of the driver working on chirp. Pavel Milanes, 07/29/2021 07:50 PM (17.3 KB) first dev version of the driver Pavel Milanes, 07/29/2021 08:47 PM
IMG_20210730_103812.jpg (3.41 MB) IMG_20210730_103812.jpg Tony Ling, 07/30/2021 02:40 AM
IMG_20210730_112626.jpg (2.48 MB) IMG_20210730_112626.jpg Tony Ling, 07/30/2021 03:35 AM
IMG_20210730_112709.jpg (2.62 MB) IMG_20210730_112709.jpg Tony Ling, 07/30/2021 03:35 AM
IMG_20210730_111410.jpg (2.94 MB) IMG_20210730_111410.jpg Tony Ling, 07/30/2021 03:35 AM
IMG_20210730_110909.jpg (3.21 MB) IMG_20210730_110909.jpg Tony Ling, 07/30/2021 03:35 AM
IMG_20210730_120358.jpg (3.34 MB) IMG_20210730_120358.jpg Tony Ling, 07/30/2021 04:09 AM
IMG_20210730_120427.jpg (3.53 MB) IMG_20210730_120427.jpg Tony Ling, 07/30/2021 04:09 AM
IMG_20210730_120256.jpg (2.79 MB) IMG_20210730_120256.jpg Tony Ling, 07/30/2021 04:09 AM
ftl.pdf (1.37 MB) ftl.pdf Tony Ling, 07/30/2021 04:26 AM (20.6 KB) Pavel Milanes, 07/30/2021 07:41 PM (575 KB) Tony Ling, 03/19/2022 06:33 PM (575 KB) Tony Ling, 03/19/2022 06:34 PM
IMG_20220322_191332.jpg (3.1 MB) IMG_20220322_191332.jpg Tony Ling, 03/22/2022 07:35 PM
IMG_20220322_191545.jpg (2.6 MB) IMG_20220322_191545.jpg Tony Ling, 03/22/2022 07:36 PM

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Has duplicate New Model #9675: Vertex & Vertex-Standard, e.g. FTL-1011, FTL-2011, FTL-7011Closed01/24/2020

Actions #1

Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 5 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Feature to New Model
  • Subject changed from Vertex & Vertex-Standard to Vertex & Vertex-Standard (unspecified)
  • Status changed from New to Feedback
  • Equipment Loan/Gift Offered set to No

You should request specific models (one per ticket) after you searched whether it hasn't already been requested before. Please keep in mind that each implementation requires a volunteer to develop it, and that test radios will be needed for this process. Thanks!

Actions #2

Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 5 years ago

  • Subject changed from Vertex & Vertex-Standard (unspecified) to Vertex & Vertex-Standard, e.g. FTL-1011, FTL-2011, FTL-7011
Actions #3

Updated by Pavel Milanes over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to In Progress
  • Assignee set to Pavel Milanes
  • % Done changed from 0 to 40

I have drafted a driver for the FTL-2011 a time ago, not validated then nor submitted as I lost access to the radio.

Now I was given a FTL-2011 and a FTL-1011 (both 4 channels variants) in working conditions to make it "Chirp supported", Hooray!

Driver development resumes, I will make it pass the Chirp validation and then post the experimental driver.

I'm worried about the eeprom size and number of channels of different variants, as I was told that it can be upgraded by replacing the eeprom by a bigger one. This can be an time consuming issue.

I have zero experience with this radios, any advice on differences between different variants will be appreciated.

Cheers, Pavel, CO7WT.

Actions #4

Updated by Pavel Milanes over 3 years ago

Driver is functional in this aspects so far:

  • Download & Upload
  • Basic Channel data (just freq by now)


  • Mapping extra parameters of the channels
  • Mapping settings
  • Research the differences between variants (4/8/12/24/99 channels)

Tested with a FTL-1011 & FTL-2011, any volunteer around with a FTL-7011 to get it supported too?

Pavel CO7WT.

Actions #5

Updated by Pavel Milanes over 3 years ago

Driver is fully functional, now making it pass the Chirp's test bed (cross tone detection is raising some flags, checking that)

Once that is covered I will stat the settings part.

Actions #6

Updated by Pavel Milanes over 3 years ago

Ok, driver is functional on basic handling (freq, tones, cross modes etc)

Attached is the dev driver that is Chirp's testbed validated if any of you dare to test it (write to me for instructions)

I will look/dive into some features that are exclusive of the high channel number variants (Scan, settings, etc.)

Cheers Pavel.

Actions #7

Updated by Tony Ling over 3 years ago

I have an FTL-7011 but I think it is the 99 channel variant. It has a rotary channel selector.
I also have a couple of FTL-8011 (two variants). These are 800/900MHz radios.

Updated by Tony Ling over 3 years ago

Equipment loan offered
FTL-7011 A
FTL-8011 P2
FTL-8011 P3

Exact variants are not shown on product

Updated by Tony Ling over 3 years ago

I've found another. This one is the FTL-8011 but with the LED display

Actions #10

Updated by Tony Ling over 3 years ago

I have unearthed my old programming notes for this series of radios.
It is flattened to PDF but I should have files with broken links

Actions #11

Updated by Pavel Milanes over 3 years ago

Thanks, good info...

I'm benchmarking the 7011 by the software to see if it's compatible with the 1011/2011 etc...

The soft association is a key info, thanks

Actions #12

Updated by Pavel Milanes over 3 years ago

Latest dev driver update:

Full channel data support, even with extra attributes (low/high, scan skip, bcl, etc)

Support for all the models with 4/12/24 channels (FTL-1011/2011/7011/8011)

Full settings identification (WiP)

Next task is implement the settings, that will push the driver into the production line.

Cheers, Pavel, CO7WT

Actions #13

Updated by Pavel Milanes over 3 years ago

  • % Done changed from 90 to 100


All possible functions implemented. Sending the driver to productions, will be available soon.

Thanks for all the test and support.

73 Pavel, CO7WT

Actions #14

Updated by Evandro Fernandes about 3 years ago

Pavel Milanes wrote:

Latest dev driver update:

Full channel data support, even with extra attributes (low/high, scan skip, bcl, etc)

Support for all the models with 4/12/24 channels (FTL-1011/2011/7011/8011)

Full settings identification (WiP)

Next task is implement the settings, that will push the driver into the production line.

Cheers, Pavel, CO7WT


Actions #15

Updated by Ken Hansen almost 3 years ago

I have come into possession of an FTL-7011 (UHF, 99 CH) radio, and the latest build says that there is no support for the 99 ch version - I'd like to help add support for the 99 channel version, is there anything I can do to assist? Happy to help anyway I can.

My radio appears to have been programmed as a cold-spare, it is brand-new except for having been programmed for numerous Texas Salvation Army frequencies (it still has the plastic on the display).

I assisted with a CHIRP driver before, I'm happy to help again,

Ken, N2VIP

Actions #16

Updated by Pavel Milanes almost 3 years ago

Thanks for the support Ken

I (driver's developer) am buried with work by now.

It appears that the 99ch has another firmware, mem layout, etc.

Can you provide a sample of the OEM software to program that specific radio? or at least the link or name of the yaesu soft and version?

Maybe I can build a draft driver from reverse engineer the files produced by it.

Cheers, CO7WT, Pavel.

Actions #17

Updated by Tony Ling almost 3 years ago

CE-7 I believe it is for the 99 channel variants.
Tony G7TXU

Actions #18

Updated by Tony Ling almost 3 years ago

CE-7 I believe it is for the 99 channel variants.
Tony G7TXU

Actions #19

Updated by Ken Hansen almost 3 years ago

I will try, the only vendor software I can find is CE5, version 6.2 which runs in DOS - it claims to be compatible with FTL-7011, 99 ch model, along with many other radios & repeaters.

If you know a source for CE7, please share.


Actions #20

Updated by Tony Ling almost 3 years ago

This may be of use

Actions #21

Updated by Tony Ling almost 3 years ago

This may be of use

Actions #22

Updated by Ken Hansen almost 3 years ago

Thank you, I'll look into this over the weekend.

I appreciate you sharing this file.

Ken, N2VIP

Actions #23

Updated by Ken Hansen almost 3 years ago

OK, Progress, but I'm stuck.

Downloaded the file with all the versions of Vertex software, DOSBox, and set DOSBox to have PGM cable set to COM1
powered up radio, connected cable from laptop to radio
start DOSBox, radio enters Program Mode
start CE7 3.33
cant upload or download the 43 channels programmed in 99 channel radio (it looks to be working, then it "Beeeeeeeeeeeeps" very low and slow

serial port is set as "serial1=directserial realport:COM4" in config file

I'm stuck - it looks like it should work, but it doesn't work.

Just so I'm clear, the plan is to read valid channels out of the radio, save the radio settings and send the file to you for review, correct?

Thanks, Ken

Actions #24

Updated by Tony Ling almost 3 years ago

I remember that back in 2010 when I last played with these, they were very tricky, with differences across the model variants. I ended up making a special interface for them. From memory, +9V is taken from the radio, and through a +5V regulator is fed back into pin 7 on the mic socket.

Actions #26

Updated by Matt Atwood almost 3 years ago

If a radio is needed, I have one for loan to get this supported. I also have a functioning .VTX (config file) if one is needed. I have the 99 channel UHF model that is programmable with the CE7 software using DOSBox.


  • Matt

Also available in: Atom PDF