



New Model #7575


Baofeng UV-9X PLUS

Added by Jose Palomo about 5 years ago. Updated almost 5 years ago.

Target version:
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Equipment Loan/Gift Offered:
I read the instructions above:


Buenas tardes:
He adquirido una emisora Baofeng UV-9X Plus que lleva un conector de dos yacks y al intentar programarla con el CHIRP, no se pone en comunicación con la emisora.
El firware que indica al apretar el 3 y encenderla es NVV82 y al apretar el 6 y encenderla sale 180531M.
Por lo demás el cable y la programación con una UV-5X es perfecto.
La versión del CHIRP es la última, 20200107, y utilizo un windows 10 64 Bits

¿me podríais decir si es compatible el CHIRP con esta emisora y como poderla programar?

Gracias por vuestra atención

José Palomo

Good afternoon:
I have acquired a Baofeng UV-9X Plus station that has a two-yack connector and when trying to program it with the CHIRP, it does not communicate with the station.
The firware that indicates when pressing 3 and turning it on is NVV82 and when pressing 6 and turning it on it appears 180531M.
Otherwise the cable and programming with a UV-5X is perfect.
The CHIRP version is the last one, 20200107, and I use a Windows 10 64 Bit
Could you tell me if CHIRP is compatible with this station and how can I program it?
Thank you for your attention
Jose Palomo

Actions #1

Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 5 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
  • Target version set to chirp-legacy
Actions #2

Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 5 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Bug to New Model
  • Subject changed from Programación de una Baofeng UV-9X PLUS to Baofeng UV-9X PLUS
  • Status changed from New to Incomplete
  • Equipment Loan/Gift Offered set to No

Existe una buena posibilidad de que la radio funcione con uno de los otros controladores de Baofeng. Prueba el UV-5R.
Por favor, háganos saber lo que encuentre. ¡Gracias!

There's a good chance that the radio might work with one of the other Baofeng drivers. Try the UV-5R.
Please let us know what you find. Thanks!

Actions #3

Updated by Jose Palomo almost 5 years ago

Buenos días:

Al final lo pude solucionar, en realidad era una emisora UV 82HP aunque en el aparato ponía UV-9X PLUS, lo que hice fue ir probando con todas las emisoras, Drivers, hasta que me funcionó.

Ya me extrañó que el conector de la emisora fuera de doble jack y no el anti humedad que traen las UV-9XPLUS.

Muchas gracias por el interés

Good Morning:

In the end I was able to solve it, it was actually a UV-82HP station, although it put UV-9X PLUS on the device, what I did was test all the stations, Drivers, until it worked for me.

I was surprised that the connector of the station was a double jack and not the anti-humidity that UV-9XPLUS brings.

Thank you very much for your interest

José Palomo

Actions #4

Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Incomplete to Closed

Gracias por sus comentarios! La radio se agregó a la lista Supported Radios.

Thanks for your feedback! The radio was added to the Supported Radios list.


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