Bug #7527
closedBaofeng UV9R Plus - failed programming
Good morning,
I have a new Baofeng UV9R Plus and I can't programming with CHIRP.
- Selected compatible type in CHIRP: Baofeng UV-82WP.
- Programming cable: Original Baofeng with Prolific PL2303 XA/HXA chip (Checked and identified with Prolific 'PL2303_CheckChipVersion_v1006.exe' program)
- Driver version: Prolific 3. 2. 0. 0. (This driver is properly installed and error message-free.)
- I unsuccessfully tried to programming under Windows XP, 7, and 10 (According to Prolific, Windows 8/8.1/10 are NOT supported in PL-2303HXA and PL-2303X EOL chip versions...)
During the data reading process, my radio is always ON and continuously staying in silent frequency (both VFO).
Port number is always setting properly, the programming cable is connected and good contact. I always use latest CHIRP version.
I think all my devices are working properly but reading the data is always fails.
Thank you, best regards,
Zsolt Horvath, HA0NC
Updated by Zsolt Horváth about 5 years ago
- File Snapshot_04.jpg Snapshot_04.jpg added
Updated by Jim Unroe about 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Incomplete
CHIRP is not receiving any data from the radio. Since the correct device driver has been loaded, the issue is most likely with the programming cable or its connection with the radio. Unfortunately there is nothing CHIRP can do for the connection. No programming software can work until the connection between the radio and computer is correct and working.
Updated by Tim B about 5 years ago
I have some UV-9Rplus radios. I can tell you Ive been using the BF-A58 firmware without any problems.
Updated by Zsolt Horváth about 5 years ago
At Jim 's advice, I finally found the bug in the programming cable.
In the programming cable head unit there was a cable which was not soldered.
Thank you for your help! The CHIRP program is perfect!
Zsolt, HA0NC
Updated by Jim Unroe about 5 years ago
- Status changed from Incomplete to Resolved
Thanks for the follow up. Glad you have the problem solved.