Bug #7493
closedKenwood TS-590SG
I am running macOS Catalina and have Chirp running and working with a Yaesu FT-817. I am struggling to get it to work with my Kenwood TS-590SG. I have Digi mode software and MacLoggerDX all working with it so I know the connection to the radio is fine.
When I select the Live Mode, Chirp just pauses for a short while and goes back to the main screen. When trying the Cloning option it gets to the cloning window but then says no response from radio.
I am on Chirp 20191221 and wondering if I am missing doing something on the radio?
Any ideas would be much appreciated.
Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Incomplete
- Target version set to chirp-legacy
Could you please provide a debug log as described in the Wiki: "How To Report Issues"? Thanks!
Updated by Ian Leather almost 5 years ago
Hi Bernhard
I have actually made progress over the last week while we are locked down been playing with it. I am on Catalina 10.15.4 and I am not sure if you are aware but these are the last Mac systems that are going to accept "Legacy" Extensions. This means Silicon Labs and Prolific are going to have to update their drivers for them to continue to work - BUT maybe not. Apple introduced an FTDI driver a few years back of their own which I have used without any issues at all and with this latest release of Catalina, Apple have developed their own Prolific and USB drivers. I have removed all my Prolific and Silicon Labs drivers and my FT-817, FTM-100D, FT-950, FT-100D and Kenwood are all working perfectly with the Apple developed drivers - except Chirp will not run on the TS-590SG which it also did not even with the Silicon Labs driver.
I realised that my FTDI USB to RS232 interface could also be used with my TS-590SG instead of the USB so I disconnected that from the FT-950 and wired it up to the TS-590SG and BOOM - works fine in Clone and Live mode.
So it appears that Chirp does not work with Silicon Labs or Apple USB drivers in my setup but perfect with the RS232 FTDI interface box.
The only thing I do not get is any settings coming across but connection and memory channels all working fine.
Do you still want me to do a debug log - perhaps with both configurations?
Stay Safe
Updated by Ian Leather almost 5 years ago
- File USBdebug.log USBdebug.log added
- File SERIALdebug.log SERIALdebug.log added
Hi Bernhard
Debug logs attached - one for the non working USB and one for the working Serial - with clone mode.
Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from Incomplete to Closed
Ian, thanks for the feedback, we appreciate it! I think your information should make it into one of our Wiki documents.
I'm closing this ticket. Thank you and stay healthy!
Updated by Ian Leather almost 5 years ago
My pleasure - look after yourself and family