



Bug #7429


Programación emisora con CHIRP y problema con el Firmware

Added by Jose Palomo about 5 years ago. Updated about 5 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Chirp Version:
Model affected:
Baofeng UV-5R
Debug Log:
I read the instructions above:


Buenas tardes:

Tengo dos emisoras Baofeng UV-5R con el Firmware BFB297 y 141006N, con una programación en las dos que cargo y descargo sin problema.

He adquirido otra emisora Boafeng UV-5R y al intentar cargar la programación me da error porque el Firmware no es el mismo.

Arrancando la emisora con el 3 apretado me sale BFB298 y con el 6, me sale 180531M

Sin embargo en el CHIRP, en Other Settings, me aparece en la nueva emisora en firmware 1, HN5R2407 en Firmware 2, aparece 1

Si hago la misma operación con una de las emisoras viejas, apretando el 3 aparece BFB297 y apretando el 6 aparece 141006N

Con el CHIRP, en Other settings de la emisora antigua, aparece en firmware 1 N5R2401 y en firmware 2 BFB297

¿Cómo podría cambiar el firmware de esta nueva emisora o cambiarlo en el CHIRP en Other Settings?, porque he intentado programar las frecuencias una a una y tampoco funciona.

Evidentemente la versión del CHIRP es la última y utilizo un PC con Windows 10 64Bits

Les mando una captura de pantalla de Other Settings de las dos emisoras o de la que les interese

Gracias por la atención

José Palomo


Actions #1

Updated by Jim Unroe about 5 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Incomplete


CHIRP is behaving exactly as designed and expected. In most cases, CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) files should not be uploaded to a radio unless it has the same "real" firmware version. The firmware version obtained by powering on the radio with the [3] key pressed has not been the radio's real firmware version since the BFB299 firmware was released back in 2013. Since then, these radios have been displaying and masquerading the "BFB297" firmware no matter what the "real" firmware version the radio contains. CHIRP is protecting you from making the mistake of uploading an image from an incompatible radio.

What most do is to get the memories/channels transferred between differing radio vendor/model/firmware versions is to download from each radio to create a tab that is compatible with each radio. Then you can copy-and-paste the the memories/channels as needed between the 2 tabs.

Another method would be to import the memories/channels from an previously saved CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) file. Instructions for doing this are in this "How to Use CHIRP to IMPORT Previous Frequencies from Another Radio": guide.


Actions #2

Updated by Jose Palomo about 5 years ago

Muchas gracias por la rápida información, intentaré seguir tus instrucciones, pero creo que podré importar las frecuencias que utilizo

Repito muchas gracias

José Palomo

Actions #3

Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 5 years ago

  • Tracker changed from New Model to Bug
  • Status changed from Incomplete to Closed
  • Model affected set to Baofeng UV-5R
  • Platform set to Windows

issue resolved.


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