Bug #7391
closedBaofeng UV-9Rera connection problem
hi i purchase the new baofeng uv9r-era 18watts.
i cant find any software to program it.
i try with the uv82-wp but doesnt work...
Updated by Jim Unroe over 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Incomplete
Hi Aldo,
You probably don't have a full and working connection between the computer and radio. What is the error message?
Updated by aldo Cassani over 5 years ago
Jim Unroe wrote:
Hi Aldo,
You probably don't have a full and working connection between the computer and radio. What is the error message?
The program says "cant afford the ammount of data..."
Updated by Jim Unroe over 5 years ago
Are you running Windows?
Does your programming cable have a Prolific type chip inside?
The the answer to the above questions is "yes", then have you downloaded, installed and selected the Prolific v3.2.0.0 device driver?
Here is how it is done. http://www.miklor.com/COM/UV_Drivers.php
If that is not the issue, then add a debug.log file with the error.
Updated by cana5ta _ about 5 years ago
Jim/Team. Can someone have a look at making the frequency expansion work?
Throw the programming cable that is offered with the radio away - it's a poor quality CH340 chip/cable.
Search online for "FTDI USB programming cable for UV-9Rplus BF-9700".
Chirp will then work connected as UV-82WP or UV-82III.
Power + 3 button
Power + 6 button
In Chirp:
Firmware Message 1: BLANK
Firmware Message 2: BLANK
6+Power-On Message 1: 180122N
6+Power on Message 2: WP9701
VHF Lower Limit (MHz): 130
VHF Upper Limit (MHz): 176
UHF Lower Limit (MHz): 400
UHF Upper Limit (MHz): 520
Hope this helps!
Updated by cana5ta _ about 5 years ago
Updated by cana5ta _ about 5 years ago
- File UV9R-ERA_downloaded_as_Baofeng_BF-A58_20191209.img UV9R-ERA_downloaded_as_Baofeng_BF-A58_20191209.img added
Seems to download via BF-A58 and GT-3WP also!
Updated by cana5ta _ about 5 years ago
I cant seem to toggle between Frequency Mode and Channel mode via the menus/buttons like a UV5R etc, you need to power it OFF and On again...
Turn OFF radio, hold "MENU" button down as you turn radio back on and it toggles to FREQ mode
Do the same process to toggle back to CHAN mode
Updated by cana5ta _ about 5 years ago
- File UV9R-ERA-expanded_frequencies_using_Baofeng_UV-82WP_20191209.img UV9R-ERA-expanded_frequencies_using_Baofeng_UV-82WP_20191209.img added
My UV9R-ERA TX testing in to a dummy load w/frequency counter:
< 130.000 was all over the place...not stable, and froze/locked the radio
130.002 - TX was counted at 130.003
130.005 - TX was counted at 130.006
130.060 - TX was counted at 130.060 getting interesting!
130.100 min TX without freezing/locking -TX was counted at 130.100
178.175 max TX without freezing/locking -TX was counted at 178.175
400.000 min TX without freezing/locking -TX was counted at 400.000
519.990 max TX without freezing/locking -TX was counted at 520.000
Attached image was created for UV9R-ERA - Upload to Radio via UV-82WP
- Squelch tweaked
- VHF upper frequency expanded to match my testing:
VHF Lower Limit (MHz): 130
VHF Upper Limit (MHz): 179
UHF Lower Limit (MHz): 400
UHF Upper Limit (MHz): 520
Updated by Jim Unroe about 5 years ago
cana5ta _ wrote:
Seems to download via BF-A58 and GT-3WP also!
Yes. They are both the same. There is now a selection for the UV-9R radios because they will display 7 character channels names where the earlier "waterproof" radios will only display 6 character names.
Updated by Jim Unroe about 5 years ago
cana5ta _ wrote:
VHF Lower Limit (MHz): 130
VHF Upper Limit (MHz): 176
UHF Lower Limit (MHz): 400
UHF Upper Limit (MHz): 520
CHIRP is just displaying the limits as they are currently set in the radio (in this case, the values that were set at the factory).
Updated by Jim Unroe about 5 years ago
cana5ta _ wrote:
- VHF upper frequency expanded to match my testing:
VHF Lower Limit (MHz): 130
VHF Upper Limit (MHz): 179
UHF Lower Limit (MHz): 400
UHF Upper Limit (MHz): 520
CHIRP is set to allow you to program any step compatible frequencies in the following ranges...
VHF: [130].0000 - [179].9975 MHz
UHF: [400].0000 - [520].9975 MHz
This is the way it has always been for these "waterproof" radios. The band limits on the "Other Settings" menu page only affects the frequency range that can be entered into the VFO from the keypad. The frequency ranges above are always available no matter what the band limits are set to. If you want the 176 that was set by the factory changed to 179, then change it. But you don't need to. Just go to the spreadsheet style memory editor and key in 179.9975. It will go right in as it always has.
Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 5 years ago
- Tracker changed from New Model to Bug
- Subject changed from baofeng uv9r-era to Baofeng UV-9Rera connection problem
- Status changed from Incomplete to Closed
- Model affected set to Baofeng UV-9Rera
- Platform set to Windows
I believe this one is resolved?