New Model #7281
openKenwood TK-3201 Pro Talk
Hi everyone !
Please forgive me if i miswrite, but English is not my main language.
Don't hesitate to correct me, it will be a pleasure for me to improve
my skill.
I allow me to write to ask if it's possible to add a new (old in fact)
model of radio to Chirp ?
I bought one radio from Baofeng, an UV-5R, and one from Puxing, a
PX888K to complete my set of radios initialy composed by a pair of
Kenwood Pro Talk TK-3201, bought a long time ago (about more than 15
years) in a "real" shop (on the street).
And for configuring my new radios to work together with the olds, i tried
Chirp (excellent app !!! Once more congrats to you all developpers ;-) ).
I had no problems with the UV-5R, i had 2 with the PX888K (i submited
them here :, but i squarely
couldn't not read config from TK-3201 because this radio is just not
(yet ;-) ) supported by Chirp.
The vendor didn't want to give me the frequencies and the CTCSS/DCS
set in MY radios, and said me that the Baofeng and Puxing radios won't
be compatible whith mines... Bullshit of course because they obviously
are if you set them up correctly. This was pathetic, but i guess
business is business... But it's not the problem.
So i had to use "the hard way" to identify the frequencies and the
CTCSS/DCS used by my first radios (with the scanning functions of my
new radios), and after a long time and some shouts, that was done.
But i would like to confirm what i found and be able to set up my old
radios in my way, as i want.
Do you think it's possible to add this radio (Kenwood Pro Talk TK-3201)
to Chirp ?
With my best regards,
Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 5 years ago
- Subject changed from Reading/writing from/to Kenwood pro talk TK-3201 to Kenwood TK-3201 Pro Talk
- Target version set to chirp-legacy
Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 2 years ago
- Has duplicate New Model #9523: Kenwood ProTalk TK-3201 et 3301 added
Updated by Joshua Goldberg 2 months ago
Hi - is there any chance of this happening some time soon? :)