



Bug #7279


Settings tab blank, and error "Tuning step 6.25 not supported" "Frequency requires 6.25kHz"

Added by Ti'R   over 5 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Chirp Version:
Model affected:
Puxing PX-888K
Debug Log:
I read the instructions above:


Hi everyone !

First, i apolologize for my potentionaly bad english because it's not my main language
(but i like english, so do not hesitate to correct me if i make some mistakes ! ;-) ).

Secondly, thank you and congratulations to all the dev team for this very good app !

So i allow me to write here to submit 2 problems with some radios PX888K from Puxing
(of course i tried the latest version for Windows ( :

1) I read the config from the radios received "just out of the box" to keep the default
config, then i had the config in the "Memories" tab, but there was nothing in the tab
"Settings" (blank, no entries at all in the listbox). So it's impossible to configure
any options.

2) I reseted the radios, and read the config again, and this time the "Settings" tab
contains all options, but it's impossible to set certains frequencies in the "Memories"
tab, an error occured "Tuning step 6.25 not supported" "Frequency requires 6.25kHz step".
The frequency concerned is 446.00625, and strangely if i store the frequency manualy
on the radio and i read again in Chirp, the frequency appears... I don't understand. :-s

I first thought i was doing something wrong, so i looked in the available options but i did
not find anything, and i look in the forum and a saw that somebodyelse encountered the same
problem with some others radios :

So i think it's perhaps the same problem/bug and perhaps the two problems are bound ?

For the moment i have to use the native appli from Puxing (it's too boring to do the
full config "by hand" on the radios :-s ), but it's less practical and friendly than
Chirp and i would prefer using Chirp (congrats again guys !).

So can any one help me to solve these problems ? Or is there a workaroud ?

With my best regards,



PX888K_tweak.txt (3.52 KB) PX888K_tweak.txt Infos for manual adding of memories in Chirp's img file for PX888K Ti'R  , 11/20/2019 02:29 AM
Actions #1

Updated by Ti'R   over 5 years ago

Edit/Update (nov 20 2019 11:12)

Hi everybody, i complete my previous post/request :

I tried to add the concerned frequency in the .img file got from the "just out the box",
(first case mentioned) and unfortunately i also had the error (mentioned in 2nd case).

I also tried to set one memory in the Puxing's app, and send it to the radio, and then get
it from Chirp (like i did manualy on the radio), and like first time, the frequency appears
correctly in the memory, but it's impossible to modify the memory (same error). But no
problems with the settings tab (options are available in it). :-s

Sorry for the lack of precisions on my 1st message, i didn't tried these manips before ! :-s

But i'm passionnated, and a kind of "fanatic" ;-) . So i tried to edit the semi-functionnal
.img file (where the settings are available, and where it's not possible to add certain
frequencies (the ones i wanted, of course.... :-s ;-) )).

And i finally i reached my goal (to have my frequencies/ctcss/dcs/names in memories, and
being able to have acces to settings). But it's not real a solution, far from this, even
not for me because i still can't edit memories in Chirp (still the error of course).

But for the interested, here is what i discovered and did (like a kind of ugly workaround) :

It was not easy, not practical, but i "tweaked" the .img file i got from the radio with one
memory configured directly from the radio (same if the file came from the Puxing app got
from : , direct dl
link : ) and
completed with several valid memories added in chirp "on demand".

So, i edited the file with an hexadecimal editor (HdX, from ,
dl link : ) and here is what i found/did :

Each 128 memories (at least for this radio) are stored on 16 bytes from the begining of
the file up to 128. So i added the memories i wanted.

The names of the memories are at the offsets 0x800 / 0x808 and so on with a multiple of
16 (0x810 / 0x818, 0x820 / 0x828...). So i named my memories as i wanted.

And the last, but not the least thing, even important, because if it's not set correcly,
the memories are not seen in Chirp, the positions of memories used are stored at
offsets 0xC20 and 0xC30. I calculated and set the corrects values.

And then i loaded the file in Chirp, and it was correct. So i sent the datas to my radio
and i successfully tested it. :-)

That's not marvellous and it was somewhere mostly for fun because i could use the
Puxing's soft, but it function. :-) At least i learnt how Chirp store part of it's datas ! ;-).

I join a tiny .txt file with explanations about all i discovered and did.

I don't consider me as a develloper (not yet ! ;-) ), but perhaps i could help !?.
If so, tel me HERE please ! ;-)



Actions #2

Updated by Ti'R   over 5 years ago

Hi everyone,

I just seen that i wrote an error in the .txt file sent.

I wrote that memories names ware stored on 6 bytes (00 to FF).

Mistake : They are stored on 7 bytes ! Correction done.

Sorry ! :-s


Actions #3

Updated by Bernhard Hailer over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Incomplete
  • Target version set to chirp-legacy
  • Model affected changed from Puxing PX888K to Puxing PX-888K

The empty Settings tab problem occurs (with any radios) if there's an out-of-range parameter in the radio. That's why you got the settings back after a reset. This is a known problem.

The 6.25 kHz step issue should be followed up on. Apparently this radio does support it - perhaps it's a bug in Chirp.

Thanks for your suggestions! You might want to review the Wiki: Developers. Thanks!


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