Bug #725
openIcom IC-T70E Strange frequencies stored for UHF
Saluti a tutti, ho provato a scaricare le memorie del mio icom ic-t70e ma ci sono problemi. Le memorie in vhf sono perfette ma in uhf riporta cifre strane sia per la frequenza sia per i dati di toni subaudio e shift. Qualcuno ha già verificato questo problema? Grazie. Valerio
73 to all, I tried to download the memories of my icom ic-t70e but there are problems. The memories are ok in vhf but uhf strange numbers shows both the frequency for both data and sub-audible tone and shift. Someone has already encountered this problem? Thank you. Valerio
Updated by valerio ribet almost 12 years ago
last chirp version downloaded, i try to post log and an image of the problem
Updated by valerio ribet almost 12 years ago
- File chirp_error.doc chirp_error.doc added
- File ic-t70.img ic-t70.img added
Updated by valerio ribet almost 12 years ago
scusate, nell'oggetto è sbagliato il tipo radio, icom ic-T70e e non ic-70....
sorry, in the object the radio type is wrong, icom ic-T70e and not ic-70 ....
Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 4 years ago
- Subject changed from icom ic-70e to Icom IC-T70E Strange frequencies stored for UHF
- Chirp Version changed from 0.3.0 to daily
- Model affected changed from icom ic-70e to Icom IC-T70E
Corrected title. #3763 has additional pictures.