Feature #6881
closedIs there a way to not include some channels (weather, police) in the scan chain?
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I read the instructions above:
I would like to opt out certain channels like talk radio, weather, marine from the scan chain because they interfere with the way I use scan just to find conversations. This might have been adressed before but I did not find it in search. I use Baofengs uv5r, uv9rplus and bf-888.
Updated by Daniel Gervais over 5 years ago
This is for channel scan, I forgot to mention...
Updated by Phil Buescher over 5 years ago
In my baofeng it is the "skip" field. "S" means to skip this channel in scan mode.
Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Target version set to chirp-legacy
- Model affected changed from (All models) to Baofeng
This isn't a Chirp bug, nor a Feature or New Model request.
This is a question best asked on the "mailing list":
You might get (much) quicker feedback there.
Solution suggested; no more traffic on this ticket.