



New Model #6771


Baofeng UV-5R tri-band VHF/220/UHF freq out of range error for 220 entries

Added by David Tse almost 6 years ago. Updated about 5 years ago.

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Using latest daily CHIRP (end of Apr 2019 ver). Radio is a brand new variant that it is similar to the MTC radio UV-5R-3, or the Radioddity UV-5RX3, or the BTech tri-band, basically all are VHF/220/UHF tri-band dual-power variant of the UV-5R radio. I own the MTC variant and successfully use CHIRP in programming everything including 220, no problem.

But with this new model, bought on eBay recently, it works with VFO, manual programming 220 to memory, but CHIRP throws out the out of range error, obviously not understanding that this new model can do it, despite the other settings clearly shows that it can go up to 260 on VHF range (unlike MTC, this page shows only 2 freq ranges.).

So any editing will pop up this error message, entering a memory label name will not work because of the error (even I have successfully entered the memory via manual programming already, and read back the image to CHIRP. Factory entered 220 frequencies also have same problem).

The firmware version is HN5RV01, and I traced that to one of the dual band 5R, obviously they didn't use a unique firmware version identifier to distinguish it.

I have already notified the seller in Asia about this.

I have also attempted Baofeng CPS and tried 2 versions dated 2016 (nothing newer I can find) and none would let me enter 220 frequencies as well.

The radios look new, and the 220 does not seem to create huge harmonics (I haven't put it on a bench test on that yet). So it seems that hardware wise it isn't too big of a diff to at least the MTC one, if not the other 2 variants from Radioddity and BTech (BTech might have unique features.).

I think it shouldn't be too hard of a fix, as I noticed that old hacks have been avail to enhance the non compliant dual band versions years ago, so the theory should be similar enough. I tried to get the .pyc file to replace the one in the library as well, but read that the method used is deprecated.

This is a very good deal for a tri-band radio. I think this is the last step that it must work or it'll be very painful. MTC no longer sells theirs, and Radioddity and BTech ones are a bit higher in price.

I hope someone would release a fix for this sometime.

thank you to everyone involved.


Actions #1

Updated by David Tse almost 6 years ago

The seller has sent me a few programming software files to try. Only 1 out of 3 works on my Windows 7 and 10. It's labelled as "setup.exe" and installed as a "BF_5R(Three Bands)" in the window when launched and the program's name. It works fine however shows the radio as a 136-174 and 400-520. I suspect that it is a hacked job and not an official software from Baofeng. Clicking on "About" in the menu does nothing!

The good news is that it can program 220 entries in the radio. The bad thing is that it shows some Exception error window when the Optional Features menu is clicked on Windows 10 (but not Windows 7). It seems buggy to me.

BTW, one thing I wish CHIRP has is directly frequency entry of TX freq and not via the shift frequency. This "BF_5R" utility has that, which makes it easier for odd splits etc.

Apparently there is no official software from Baofeng that works with this radio. That makes the source of these radios a mystery to me.


Actions #2

Updated by Jim Unroe almost 6 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Incomplete


You most likely should be using Model: Radioddity and Model: UV-5RX3 selections.

Your radio is just a UV-5R with the 220 band added. The selections shown above just adds 220 band support for a UV-5R.


Actions #3

Updated by David Tse almost 6 years ago


I just tried to read it under Radioddity UV-5RX3 and it says the radio didn't respond. But using the Baofeng UV-5R it reads it ok.

Under your logic, I could also have been able to communicate it with the MTC radio's UV-5R-3 and it doesn't either. It is also a UV-5R with 220 band added.

Nor could I use the BTech UV-5XR3 model which is also basically UV-5R with 220 band added.

3 different models that are UV-5R variant with 220 added yet NONE could be used to read this radio, but you said it is "just". I am sorry but I am puzzled.

Actions #4

Updated by Barry Stamper almost 6 years ago

I had the same exact issue and found the fix on FB.

Download the radio as a Radioddity UV-5RX3.

Actions #5

Updated by David Tse over 5 years ago

@Barry Miller, thanks for your report.

I gave it another try using the then CHIRP version (when I initially reported) and it would not read using 5RX3. I then downloaded the latest ver (June 1), and now it does. So there has been changes since my initial report. But the changes didn't appear in a release note? (or I didn't see)

Actions #6

Updated by Jim Unroe over 5 years ago

I just tried to read it under Radioddity UV-5RX3 and it says the radio didn't respond. But using the Baofeng UV-5R it reads it ok.

It must. The Radioddity/UV-5RX3 it in exactly the same as a UV-5R but allows programming 220 band frequencies.

Under your logic, I could also have been able to communicate it with the MTC radio's UV-5R-3 and it doesn't either. It is also a UV-5R with 220 band added.

No. The MTC radio is a variant of the BTech UV-5X3 which use a different driver.

Nor could I use the BTech UV-5XR3 model which is also basically UV-5R with 220 band added.

Not so. The BTech UV-5RX3 (and the MTC UV-5R-3 clone) have added features and do not use the same driver as a UV-5R (or UV-5RX3).

3 different models that are UV-5R variant with 220 added yet NONE could be used to read this radio, but you said it is "just". I am sorry but I am puzzled.

I'm sorry but they are not all the same. The BTech UV-5X3 and many additional features that a UV-5R does not have. It uses a different "magic" to initiate cloning and a different driver in CHIRP for support. The MTC UV-5R-3 is an exact clone of the BTech UV-5X3.

The Radioddity is just a UV-5R with the 220 band added. It uses the same "magic" to initiate cloning and is in every other way, just another UV-5R. So I am just as puzzled as you are. If CHIRP can download from your radio using UV-5R as the model (which I assume you did but I can't tell because you manually edited the file name and didn't include a debug.log file after the download) is must be able to be downloaded the same way with Radioddity/UV-5RX3 because the only difference is whether the 220 band is supported or not.


Actions #7

Updated by Jim Unroe over 5 years ago

David Tse wrote:

@Barry Miller, thanks for your report.

I gave it another try using the then CHIRP version (when I initially reported) and it would not read using 5RX3. I then downloaded the latest ver (June 1), and now it does. So there has been changes since my initial report. But the changes didn't appear in a release note? (or I didn't see)

Support for the Radioddity UV-5RX3 (UV-5R with 3 bands) was added back in August of 2018. There has been nothing changed related to its support since then.


Actions #8

Updated by David Tse over 5 years ago

I just retested the April 29 release of CHIRP to read it under Radioddity 5RX3 and this time it did, both a fresh download of a non-installer version and also the kept installer version. So for whatever reason my previous tests didn't give me that result that I have just right now. Probably a fluke or a problem w/ my cable that threw this off. Sorry about the confusion but just want to say I tried everything that I mentioned in my reports.

As to debug.log and file name, I can certainly provide them, I just am not familiar with the process that's all.

Again, when I tested them before (about a month ago), I ran multiple trials, not just once. So I can't explain why the results were negative then.

Thanks very much for your help.

Actions #9

Updated by Jim Unroe about 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Incomplete to Closed

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