Bug #6657
closedBaofeng UV-5XP : Settings menu is blank
I am able to read from the 5XP and also write memories back to it. The issue I am having is that the 'Settings' tab within Chirp is blank so I can't set any of those options. FYI that I am using the 'Baofeng UV-5X profile within Chirp.
Updated by Jim Unroe almost 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Incomplete
One or more of the settings has an invalid/out-of-range value.
Attach the downloaded CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) file to this issue (or email it directly to me) and I will correct the offending setting and return the corrected image.
Updated by schuc S almost 6 years ago
- File Baofeng_UV-5X_schuc.img Baofeng_UV-5X_schuc.img added
Hi Jim and thanks for your reply. I have attached the img file per your request. In case I have this issue again in the future, can you tell me how you are correcting the image? Is it something I can do myself as well?
Updated by Jim Unroe almost 6 years ago
Two of the UHF squelch threshold settings were out-of-range. This is starting to feel like a common issue. I've had to help at least 2 others recently with a similar problem.
Yes. You could fix this yourself. The trick is knowing what to change.
The corrected image is attached.
Updated by schuc S almost 6 years ago
Hi Jim
I just wanted to confirm with you that the new image you sent works great.
In terms of repairing the image myself, maybe I can look in the forums then? I should be able to reverse engineer it with a hex editor but was just wondering your suggested method.
Thanks again
Updated by Jim Unroe almost 6 years ago
- Status changed from Incomplete to Resolved
I used CHIRP to fix it. Contact me direct via email and I can give you some tips.
Jim KC9HI.
Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 5 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed