Bug #6435
closedLinux startup error
Environment Centos Linux, up to date V 6.10, Python 2.6
File "./chirpw", line 23, in
from chirp.drivers import *
File "/home/edack/Desktop/chirp-daily-20190210/chirp/drivers/lt725uv.py", line 198, in
If I comment the two for loops out then the following happens:
File "./chirpw", line 23, in
from chirp.drivers import *
File "/home/edack/Desktop/chirp-daily-20190210/chirp/drivers/ts850.py", line 40
TS850_MODES_REV = {val: mode for mode, val in TS850_MODES.iteritems()}
after commenting this line out CHIRP runs OK.
since I don't have either of these I can't say how that affects them I do have a Yaesu and Baufeng and they work OK.
Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Target version set to chirp-legacy
- Platform changed from Windows to Linux
Hmm... Chirp is meant to run in a Python 2.7 environment.
And... we're working on an upgrade to Python 3 :-)
So, given these facts, I'm closing this bug report. I hope that's ok; if you think it should be kept open for some reason, please contact me.