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Bug #6389


Puxing PX-2R errors reading/writing memories, fails miserably.

Added by Dave Baxter about 6 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

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Puxing PX-2R
Debug Log:
I read the instructions above:



CHIRP daily-20190120 On Linux Mint 19.1 64 bit, installed from Chirp ppa.

Trying to read and write to my Puxing PX-2R, fails.

Reading sort of happens, but the data extracted as shown is very wrong.

Writing (if you try) either after a lot of editing of the .img file, or creating new from scratch, "bricks" the rig, needing a factory reset, and loss of what might have been in the memories already. (Done that several times now!)

I can happily talk to myself with a serial com's program (cutecom) via the programming lead, so that appears OK.

Debug log attached (zipped) also the output from Chirpw when launched from a terminal to do the same, as well as the .img as chirp creates it.

Memories 1 & 2 have local UHF repeaters in (GB3MK 433.000 + 1.6MHz shift. And GB3NP 430.8875 + 7.6MHz shift) but show as "empty"

Memory 3 has a PBR frequency in (461.5125) that sort of shows but is shown wrong.

All the other memories ARE empty.;

Log and .img files attached as zips. (Plain zip format.)

Using Chirp with a Kenwood TM-V71 works fine.


Dave G0WBX (G8KBV)

Files (4.43 KB) zipped debug log Dave Baxter, 01/20/2019 08:31 AM (2.21 KB) zipped terminal output and .img files Dave Baxter, 01/20/2019 08:31 AM
reading_px-2r_memories.txt (9.71 KB) reading_px-2r_memories.txt Dave Baxter, 05/27/2020 01:49 PM
Puxing_PX-2R_20190120.img (4.13 KB) Puxing_PX-2R_20190120.img Dave Baxter, 05/27/2020 01:51 PM
debug.log (32.7 KB) debug.log Dave Baxter, 05/27/2020 01:51 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 5 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback
  • Target version set to chirp-legacy

Hi Dave, I seem to be unable to open your ZIP files. Just add your files uncompressed, that's totally ok.

"Bricking" a radio is a sensitive word for us: it means that it was irreversibly damaged, nothing can be done to bring it out of its misery, and it is now nothing more than a paperweight. This is something which very rarely happens when you use Chirp (and we hope, it remains so!). If you can recover your radio, then it isn't "bricked".

Now, with the debug logs we might be able to work on a solution. Perhaps you still have them or can redo your tests? Thanks!

Actions #2

Updated by Dave Baxter almost 5 years ago

Hi Bernhard.

Funny, I've just taken a fresh look at this issue, and was doing a post to the list asking for pinout details for the speaker/mic/programming port, as I wonder if the lead I've got is correct, or not.

Any such info about the total of 5 contact connector (a 2.5mm TRRS jack, with 5th outer ring) would be good to know.

Re the zipped logs. I've just pulled them from the initial bug submission and they open fine, with the default archive manager within Linux Mint (Now running Mint 19.3) However, I'll re-submit them here in plain text...

Re "Bricking". Well, to the uninitiated, even if it's recoverable, if they don't know, the effect is the same. ;-)

Updated by Dave Baxter almost 5 years ago

It only submitted one file. This is going to be messy..

Actions #4

Updated by Dave Baxter almost 5 years ago

There you go!...

All three, are what was in the original Zips.

I'll check back here in a few days.

Or, you can contact me as g8kbvdave at googlemail dot com.

I have some small level of Python skill's, and have so far identified that Chirp fails at the very start of the process to establish communication with the radio.

Any programming port pinout info would be good to know, so I can check that the cable I have is correct.


Dave G0WBX.

Actions #5

Updated by Bernhard Hailer over 4 years ago

Thanks! Looks like the number of DCS codes reported by the radio exceeds what Chirp expects or can handle. Guess we have to look into this...

Actions #6

Updated by Dave Baxter over 4 years ago

OK Bernhard.

I'm available to trial any test/debug software if needed. Ping me a message via the main mailing list if needed.


Dave G0WBX.


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