Feature #6307
closedCRT-279UV clone QYT KT7900D
Start date:
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Chirp Version:
Model affected:
I read the instructions above:
model CRT 279 (clone of QYT KT7900D) MCU-version : VC 5302
Would like a "service settings" menu to allow the squelch thresholds to be adjusted (idem Baofeng UV5R)
Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Incomplete
- Priority changed from High to Normal
- Target version changed from 0.4.1 to chirp-legacy
Two things.
1) Please try with a recent build of Chirp.
2) If if you're still having this issue, please refer to the Wiki How To Report Issues and provide a debug log. Thanks!
Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 5 years ago
- Tracker changed from New Model to Bug
- Description updated (diff)
- Model affected set to QYT KT7900D
- Platform set to Windows
(This is a bug report, not a New Model request.)
Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 5 years ago
- Tracker changed from Bug to Feature
Actually it's a feature request :-)
Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 5 years ago
- Status changed from Incomplete to Closed
Duplicates #6211. Please leave further feedback there. Thanks!