Bug #6155
closedYaesu VX-6E/R shift issue
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Chirp Version:
Model affected:
Yaesu VX-6E/R
I read the instructions above:
i am trying to program pmr fequeances
the system is saying that its not cably to do this but i want to fauls it to do a 2.5 shift as i also own a ft-4x that only shoes 5.o in menu but using softwear will alow me to program 2.5 shift pmr
so it is my belife that as long as chirp will allow me to program it in it will work please help me in this matter many thanks
last entry in log shows error or refusal
Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 5 years ago
- Subject changed from yaseu vx-6e/r shift issue to Yaesu VX-6E/R shift issue
- Status changed from New to Rejected
- Assignee deleted (
richard brindley) - Priority changed from Urgent to Normal
- Target version set to chirp-legacy
- Model affected changed from (All models) to Yaesu VX-6E/R
I believe you're talking about tune steps when scrolling through frequencies?
Both the FT-4X and the VX-6 don't offer 2.5 kHz steps, both start at 5.0. Therefore, Chirp can't do what you want to see.