Bug #6131
closedFTDI vs. Apple
Quoting myself from elsewhere, with a few edits. My apologies if this is not the appropriate way to get this information out. I think the following will sort out some open MacOS tickets...
I program my Yaesu VX-6R using CHIRP, a Valley Enterprises cable, and a MacOS laptop. Valley Enterprises has you go to the FTDI website (ftdichip.com) and download the appropriate Virtual COM Port driver. In this case the file 'FTDIUSBSerialDriver.kext' is version 2.4.2 (for MacOS 10.9 and later). This is the latest version, and the install places the file in the /Library/Extensions/ folder. Historically, I have had no problems.
A couple of months back, I decided to update my MacOS to the latest version (10.13.6). Recently, I tried to make some radio programming changes for the first time since I upgraded the OS.
Pulling an image off the radio posed no problem. Making changes to the image posed no problem. However, every time I tried to upload the revised image to the radio, it would generate an "Error" about a third of the way along and stop.
Digging around on the InterWebs yielded a thread where two developers talked about having problems with the FTDI-supplied drivers. Apple (now) includes an FTDI driver, 'AppleUSBFTDI.kext' with a version number of 6.0.0 and a date of 08 January 2018. It can be found at /System/Library/Extensions/. So, per the developers...
Delete the FTDI-supplied drivers, and reboot the system. The Apple drivers indeed work just fine: I am back to having no problems.
Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
Thank you, we're going to add this to an FAQ. Good input!