New Model #6119
openYaesu FTM-3207D
Start date:
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I read the instructions above:
i didnt see where the new Yaesu FTM-3207D was supported but I did use the FTM-3200D settings
to download from the radio although I could not enter any 70cm frequencies.
I think it would be an easy addition.
Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 5 years ago
- Subject changed from FTM-3207 to FTM-3207D
- Target version changed from 0.4.1 to chirp-legacy
Updated by Todd Havrilka about 5 years ago
Let me know if you'd like me to pull data from the radio using FTM-3200 settings. I can send that over if it would be helpful.
Updated by Todd Havrilka about 5 years ago
- File Yaesu_FTM-3207D_20200120.img Yaesu_FTM-3207D_20200120.img added
- File Yaesu_FTM-3207D_20191210.img Yaesu_FTM-3207D_20191210.img added
Just in case it would be useful. I would provide the loaner radio, but sadly, it is being sent back to mfg for service.
Updated by Bernhard Hailer over 4 years ago
- Subject changed from FTM-3207D to Yaesu FTM-3207D