Bug #5953
closedChirp Expands vhf and uhf transmit frequencies
Don't know if this is a bug, or just an intentional design feature, but after doing a Download from Radio, in Chirp, if i click on the Settings Tab, on the left, for my Baofeng UV-5R, and then click on other settings, about half way down, I can change the upper and lower limits of both the VHF and UHF frequencies that the radio can receive and transmit on!
However, after expanding the upper limit of the VHF frequencies to the 220MHz region, and clicking the VHF TX Enabled box, i can not enter a 223 MHz frequency into one of the radios channels! It brings up a little caution flag, and says that that frequency is out of range! However, if i go through the laborious process of entering all the information into the radio manually, the channel is created, the radio does transmit, with the correct offset, correct tones, etc., etc.
So I can now use the radio on the 220MHz frequency range, the thing does transmit and receive on these frequencies, but i can not use CHIRP to create a channel to store one of the 220MHz repeaters!
Am i going to have to manually enter the information for each 220MHz repeater, into each channel on the radio, or can CHIRP be altered to allow this to work?
bruce blosser
Updated by Jim Unroe over 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Incomplete
Expanding the band limits only affects the range of frequencies that can be entered into the VFO.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 6 years ago
Unless you have a UV-5R that came from the factory supporting the VHF and the 220 MHz band, your UV-5R won't operate in the 220 MHz band even though you can successfully enter those frequencies into the VFO. I have programmed frequencies into my UV-5R from 1.000000 MHz to 999.997500 MHz but it is only as a conversation starter. These radios won't operate much out of the factory band limits (which is currently 130.0000- 180.9975 MHz and 400.0000-520.9975 MHz). If you want 220 MHz operation you need to look at something like the BaofengTech BTech UV-5X3 tri-band radio.
Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 5 years ago
- Target version set to chirp-legacy
- Model affected changed from (All models) to Baofeng UV-5R
Bruce, I assume you found that the radio doesn't really do a good job on 223 MHz, right? Can we close this ticket?
Updated by Bernhard Hailer over 4 years ago
- Status changed from Incomplete to Closed
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