New Model #5507
openAnytone AT-588 V2
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I read the instructions above:
I would like to request CHIRP support for the Anytone at-588 220MHz version. The at-588 physically appears to be the same radio as the TYT TH-9000D but the TH-9000D programming software is non compatible. If somebody has the interest to work this new model that would be great.
Updated by Bernhard Hailer over 4 years ago
- Subject changed from Anytone at-588 v2 220MHz to Anytone AT-588 V2
- Target version set to chirp-legacy
- Chirp Version changed from 0.4.0 to daily
This radio comes in three versions, 2M, 1.25M, and 70cm.
The original request was for the 1.25M version.
Updated by Scott Simpson about 2 years ago
- File th9000 with th9000 with added
The enclosed .py file is a modified th9000 file. I added an aliase for the at588 220MHZ and modified the radio ID. It appears to work fine on my 220MHz version. I run Chirp then load this .py module. If someone can take it farther and assemble it into a released Chirp file that would be very nice.