



Bug #5251


Rugged Radios RH5R-V2 does not show settings

Added by Andrew Growcock over 7 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

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I read the instructions above:


I can program channels with no problem, however there is no settings tab. Is this something that they have locked out or something that CHIRP can't read?


Rugged_RH5R-V2_Stock_20171016.img (8.01 KB) Rugged_RH5R-V2_Stock_20171016.img Stock image from radio Andrew Growcock, 10/16/2017 09:48 PM
Rugged_RH5R-V2_Stock.img (8.16 KB) Rugged_RH5R-V2_Stock.img Chad Linnenbrink, 06/13/2020 09:07 PM
Rugged_RH5R-V2_Stock.img (8.16 KB) Rugged_RH5R-V2_Stock.img Chad Linnenbrink, 06/14/2020 04:00 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Jim Unroe over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Incomplete

The memory in this radio is corrupt. There is nothing in memory for CHIRP to identify if the correct radio has been downloaded. I would suggest performing a RESET to see if that straightens out the issue.


Actions #2

Updated by Andrew Growcock over 7 years ago

So I looked up how to reset and it does seem, at least to me, that rugged has modified the firmware to lock it so only they can program. This is a post from RZR forums that Rugged Radios posted. Let me know if I’m on the totally wrong path.

“Okay so forgive my ignorance, good news is the tech team is on it, and they've already disabled the reset option on our current programming files for the RH5R. If you've purchased a radio from us in the last month, you should not be able to accidentally reset to factory settings (Please don't test this, there is a chance some radios were on the shelf that don't have the reset function disabled). When you send an RH5R in that has been reset, we will reprogram it and return it to you with the reset option disabled so it will not happen again.”

For all intensive purposes, this is a Baofeng uv5r, would it be safe, and is there a way to re-flash this with stock Baofeng firmware?

Actions #3

Updated by Jim Unroe over 7 years ago

The firmware of a UV-5R is not flash-able. I would expect the RH5R to be the same way.


Actions #4

Updated by Jim Unroe about 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Incomplete to Closed

Support for this model was already added. See issue #4803 for details.


Actions #5

Updated by Chad Linnenbrink over 4 years ago

The users manual I found on online shows selectable 12.5/25 kHz step size.

However, when I try to program a 12.5kHz frequency (example 150.0125 MHz), CHIRP returns an "Error setting memory: Frequency requires 12.50kHz step" error message.

CHIRP daily-20200603
GTK 2.24.10
PyGTK 2.24.0
Python 2.7.10

Actions #6

Updated by Chad Linnenbrink over 4 years ago


Actions #7

Updated by Chad Linnenbrink over 4 years ago

posted on wrong thread, please delete.

Actions #8

Updated by Chad Linnenbrink over 4 years ago

Chad Linnenbrink wrote:

The users manual I found on online shows selectable 12.5/25 kHz step size.

However, when I try to program a 12.5kHz frequency (example 150.0125 MHz), CHIRP returns an "Error setting memory: Frequency requires 12.50kHz step" error message.

CHIRP daily-20200603
GTK 2.24.10
PyGTK 2.24.0
Python 2.7.10

Posted on wrong thread, please delete

Actions #9

Updated by Chad Linnenbrink over 4 years ago

Attaching another stock Rugged Radios RH5R-V2 image for reference. This image came from directly from Rugged Radios as programmed for an event sponsor promotion.
Unable to find reset option in radio menus to get a more raw image.

Actions #10

Updated by Jim Unroe over 4 years ago

  • Platform changed from Windows to All

The driver for the RH5R V2 only supports editing of the radio's 128 memory channels. It doesn't support editing of any other settings (that is why there is no "Settings" tab).


Actions #11

Updated by Chad Linnenbrink over 4 years ago

Jim Unroe wrote:

The driver for the RH5R V2 only supports editing of the radio's 128 memory channels. It doesn't support editing of any other settings (that is why there is no "Settings" tab).


I just cloned one RH5R-V2 to another via CHIRP and the LED color & Power-on message MENU settings all propagated from the 1st to the 2nd radio. So it seems CHIRP is reading, saving, and writing this information, but is not currently decoded, modified, or encoded in CHIRP or the driver.

Actions #12

Updated by Chad Linnenbrink over 4 years ago

Chad Linnenbrink wrote:

Jim Unroe wrote:

The driver for the RH5R V2 only supports editing of the radio's 128 memory channels. It doesn't support editing of any other settings (that is why there is no "Settings" tab).


I just cloned one RH5R-V2 to another via CHIRP and the LED color & Power-on message MENU settings all propagated from the 1st to the 2nd radio. So it seems CHIRP is reading, saving, and writing this information, but is not currently decoded, modified, or encoded in CHIRP or the driver.

The attached "Rugged_RH5R-V2_Stock.img" file above has the following stock image modifications for a setting data reference.


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