New Model #525
openVertex VX-2000u
Requesting support for the Vertex (Yaesu) VX-2000u radio. I have a radio I am willing to let a Dev use. I have read the Rules For Loaning A Radio and am willing to abide by them.
Updated by Brian Devine about 12 years ago
Today I received a copy of the software as well as a programming cable for this radio. It is a very old version, but it works.
Updated by Tom Hayward about 12 years ago
- Chirp Version changed from 0.2.3 to 0.3.0
- Equipment Loan/Gift Offered set to Yes
Updated by Brian Devine about 11 years ago
I have lost interest in getting support for this radio. Please close this request.
Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 5 years ago
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
- Chirp Version changed from 0.3.0 to daily
- Equipment Loan/Gift Offered changed from Yes to No
Removed the "Equipment loan offered" flag, but keeping open just in case.
Updated by Brian Devine about 5 years ago
Bernhard Hailer wrote:
Removed the "Equipment loan offered" flag, but keeping open just in case.
I will defer to you on the "Equipment loan offered" flag, but I do still have the radio and I would still be willing to loan it out for development.
Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 5 years ago
- Equipment Loan/Gift Offered changed from No to Yes
Oh, I'm happy to keep it checkmarked :-)