New Model #5135
closedRadioddity QB25
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I read the instructions above:
I just purchased a Radioddity QB25 The LCD display says KT-7900D, I am trying to get it programmed with CHIRP. I have gone through all of the KT-7900D/8900D posting and tried all of the posted modules, as well as combinations of other branded radios. Nothing works. When I try the most promising "QYT-7900D" I get "Radio Identification Failed". CHIRP is talking to the radio, the COM port is working, I get clicking, sounds like a relay, and the radio resets then I get the error message. Is this because CHIRP does not support it or is this something else? If someone can tell me how to get an errorlog/debugging log I wlll post it if it will help resolve the issue. Thanks in advance
Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Target version set to chirp-legacy
Appears to be complete.