Bug #5049
closedBF-888S No Settings shown, only Channels
Also includes the BF-V85
Thanks for the program, so far it works great with a range of radios I have. However it no longer works as it should with the BF-888 S
Previously it was hit and miss if it saved anything you did, sometimes the radio program would clear all channels (beep sound) and revert to Chinese.
However now it reads from the radio, but only the channels are shown, the settings page is blank, not even the headers of the settings, completely blank.
Sorry lost track when it last worked, I now have to use 888s V 1.05 downloaded from Manufacture link somewhere, this program works 100%
Chirp Updated Today
GTK 2.24.10
PyGTK 2.24.0
Python 2.7.10
Thank you for your program and help
Updated by Jim Unroe over 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Incomplete
There is a setting that is out of range. Include a debug.log file and/or your downloaded image.
Updated by Daniel Haynes over 7 years ago
- File Upload_and_id_string_debug.log Upload_and_id_string_debug.log added
- File download_debug.log download_debug.log added
I would like to chime in because I have 100 of these to program and settings are not working either for upload or download. Also, sometimes I get a "Radio returned unknown identification string" error. I have attached the pertinent logs to this response.
Updated by Daniel Haynes over 7 years ago
I will also note that when radios started out in english mode, they changed to chinese after being programmed even if the file for the upload was set to english.
Updated by John John over 7 years ago
Daniel Haynes wrote:
I will also note that when radios started out in english mode, they changed to chinese after being programmed even if the file for the upload was set to english.
Yes same here, in the end I had "On channel 15, Press and Hold the PTT and MONI buttons while switching ON the transceiver to change Voice Prompt Language (CHI/ENG)
• Any channel"
At that time the settings list was shown, now the program has been updated, it no longer shows them.
Please note:
If you want me to provide a log or image, you need to tell me how :) I can connect the radio, upload from it and save the image? if thats what you need. Seams thats been done now anyway?
Updated by Jim Unroe over 7 years ago
There is already an issue about the CHI/ENG issue. It appears that Baofeng may have changed the memory layout in the latest models. This, unfortunately, makes the radios incompatible with CHIRP for the time being.
Hopefully after you made you first successful downloaded from the radio, the unedited tab was saved to native CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) file as a backup.
Updated by John John over 7 years ago
- File mainprogram.jpg mainprogram.jpg added
strange how the old program by the manufacturer still works with old and new radios
Updated by Jim Unroe over 7 years ago
John John wrote:
strange how the old program by the manufacturer still works with old and new radios
Not strange. The manufacturers can know about the 2 (or more) possible arrangements and program their software to detect and adapt to either. The CHIRP developer can only reverse engineer the radio that is in his/her possession and cannot anticipate other variants in advance.
Updated by John John over 7 years ago
why do they list chirp, if they dont give you any updated info
Updated by John John over 7 years ago
oh, i seethe settings are shown once more, sadly i see vox enabled so switched it off, sent new settings to radio, switched radio off and back on, read from radio, vox still switched on, not tested other function change yet
Updated by John John over 7 years ago
Ok tested save on other settings, dont save any of the VOX settings
Used Man BF480 program, it saves settings ok, now they were switched off, tried switching them on in chirp and saving, settings remain unchanged. So settings not saving.. nice to "see" them anyway :)
Updated by Phillip Cash over 7 years ago
Glad there is a thread for this. any news? I just got 6 new ones to add to my existing 12. and about to add another 12. even the ability to just turn off audio prompt would be nice.
Updated by Bernhard Hailer over 4 years ago
- Status changed from Incomplete to Closed
- Chirp Version changed from 0.4.0 to daily
- Model affected changed from 888S to Baofeng BF-888S
As explained earlier in this thread, invalid settings in the radio will cause a blank Settings page in Chirp.
Closed due to no more traffic on this ticket.