



New Model #5043


Baofeng GT-3TP mkIII

Added by Erik Rothuis over 7 years ago. Updated 10 months ago.

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I read the instructions above:


Unable to read or write from Baofeng GT-3TP mkIII, when i set the download to GT-3WP. I get the error "Error reading data from radio: not the amount of data we want.". When I set the download to BF-F8HP, then i am able to down en upload, to and from the radio. In the Settings>Other Settings>Firmware1 I get HN5RV01. I use "CHIRP daily-20170714".

Actions #1

Updated by Erik Rothuis over 7 years ago

Found out this is normal. Sorry

Actions #2

Updated by Jim Unroe over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved

Hi Erik,

Yes. The BF-F8HP is the correct Model choice for your radio according to the "Supported Radio Models": list on the "CHIRP home/wiki": page.

  • BF-F8HP (3 power levels) <- the model to select Also includes the BF-F9V2+ Also includes the GT-3TP <- the model you have Also includes the UV-5R PLUS Also includes the UV-5RHP Also includes the UV-5RTP Also includes the UV-5R7W


Actions #3

Updated by Jim Unroe over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed
Actions #4

Updated by Raul Hacar 10 months ago

Hello Team: (and please excuse me for reviving a zombie thread)

Although this model is already supported under the BF-F8HP entry.... would it not make more sense to list all models available and simply have several model entries linked to the same profile in the backend?

In the name of user-friendly design: when a user uses Chirp they want to find their model of walkie listed in the dropdown.

At the moment the standard operating procedure is:

1.- you try to find your model in the drop down --> it's not there
2.- you go to the internet to try to find what other model it is supported under.
3.- you go to chirp and use a model in the dropdown that has nothing to do with what the radio's label says.

I mean, it works, it's free, I love chirp, for the price I definitely cannot complain... but this is low hanging fruit.
If I knew the first thing about programming I'd try to do it myself, but I'm left with the option of buying you guys a beer for your awesomeness.

could this be done? where the radio models are shown as they are in the dropdown? (even if it implies linking multiple entries to the exact same profile, yes)

thanks for eveything


Erik Rothuis wrote:

Unable to read or write from Baofeng GT-3TP mkIII, when i set the download to GT-3WP. I get the error "Error reading data from radio: not the amount of data we want.". When I set the download to BF-F8HP, then i am able to down en upload, to and from the radio. In the Settings>Other Settings>Firmware1 I get HN5RV01. I use "CHIRP daily-20170714".

Jim Unroe wrote in #note-2:

Hi Erik,

Yes. The BF-F8HP is the correct Model choice for your radio according to the "Supported Radio Models": list on the "CHIRP home/wiki": page.

  • BF-F8HP (3 power levels) <- the model to select Also includes the BF-F9V2+ Also includes the GT-3TP <- the model you have Also includes the UV-5R PLUS Also includes the UV-5RHP Also includes the UV-5RTP Also includes the UV-5R7W


Actions #5

Updated by Jim Unroe 10 months ago

  • I read the instructions above set to Yes

Raul Hacar wrote in #note-4:

Hello Team: (and please excuse me for reviving a zombie thread)

Although this model is already supported under the BF-F8HP entry.... would it not make more sense to list all models available and simply have several model entries linked to the same profile in the backend?

No. For example if all of the models in this list of Baofeng_UV5R_Variants were aadded to CHIRP, it would do nothing more than add 46 more entries to the CHIRP UI. It would more than double the number of entries than are currently under the Baofeng drop down list without adding any additional functionality to CHIRP.


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