



Bug #5027


Baofeng 888 after programing voice prompt changed to Chinese and will not go back to English

Added by Kat Russ over 7 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.

Target version:
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Estimated time:
Chirp Version:
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(All models)
Debug Log:
I read the instructions above:


I had bought a bunch of 888's a few years back an programed them with no issue. I got a few more and they would not enter programing mode. So I bought a new cable a FTDI and was able to get them to program. The frequencies all took but the voice prompt went to Chinese and will not go back to English. Any ideas?"

I am having similar issues. I had no problems with a previous install. Bought a new batch of Baofeng 888 and having same issue. Version: CHIRP daily-20170714


ChirpScreenShot.png (31.3 KB) ChirpScreenShot.png I even set it as English when I uplaod Kat Russ, 07/26/2017 09:04 AM
Unknown Identification String.png (35.4 KB) Unknown Identification String.png Kat Russ, 07/28/2017 08:21 AM
debug.log (30 KB) debug.log Kat Russ, 07/29/2017 09:58 AM
Baofeng_BF-888_20170729_stringerrorimage.img (992 Bytes) Baofeng_BF-888_20170729_stringerrorimage.img Image file that has error . This is the image after I upload the old version and download it to view what is different. Kat Russ, 07/29/2017 11:30 AM
Baofeng_BF-888_Default.img (992 Bytes) Baofeng_BF-888_Default.img This is the previous image that is on my other radios that works. Notice there is Settings tab that has info where the error image does not. Kat Russ, 07/29/2017 11:30 AM
Baofeng_BF-888_20170729_Factory.img (992 Bytes) Baofeng_BF-888_20170729_Factory.img Out of Box Image Kat Russ, 07/29/2017 12:48 PM
Baofeng_BF-888_20170801Chinese.img (992 Bytes) Baofeng_BF-888_20170801Chinese.img Kat Russ, 08/01/2017 07:53 AM
Baofeng_BF-888_20170801ChangedToEnglish.img (992 Bytes) Baofeng_BF-888_20170801ChangedToEnglish.img There is a blank "Settings" tab where I usually see language settings. I went through View>Change Language>English (as it was set to "Auto" upon opening drop down) Kat Russ, 08/01/2017 07:53 AM
Baofeng_BF-888_20170807English.img (992 Bytes) Baofeng_BF-888_20170807English.img Kat Russ, 08/07/2017 09:53 AM
Baofeng_BF-888_20170807Chinese.img (992 Bytes) Baofeng_BF-888_20170807Chinese.img Kat Russ, 08/07/2017 09:53 AM
Baofeng_BF-888_20190730.img (1.13 KB) Baofeng_BF-888_20190730.img Daniele Testa, 07/30/2019 05:48 AM
Actions #1

Updated by Jim Unroe over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Incomplete

I was helping someone the other that that had a similar issue. I think Baofeng made a change in the memory layout. If that is the case, there would be a new factory software because the commonly available factory software would have the same issue.

In any case, you should be able to upload the backup image that you saved from your first successful download to put the radio back into the state is was in when you received it.


Actions #2

Updated by Kat Russ over 7 years ago


When I try to upload previous version I get an "Radio returned unknown identification string" error at first. The second attempt it uploads succesfully. However, the Settings tab is blank and the voice on the radio is now Chinese.
I have duplicated this three times. It happens in this exact pattern all three of those times.
This happened after I downloaded the daily
So uploading the previous image doesn't fix the issue.

Actions #3

Updated by Jim Unroe over 7 years ago

Include the debug.log file. The "How to report issues": page shows you how to find it.

To make a "clean" debug.log file, start CHIRP, cause the error, close CHIRP.


Actions #4

Updated by Kat Russ over 7 years ago


Attached is the debug.log

Actions #5

Updated by Jim Unroe over 7 years ago


Unfortunately the debug.log didn't capture the "identification string" that was returned. Please attach your CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) file.


Actions #7

Updated by Kat Russ over 7 years ago

To clarify: I upload the Default image to radio. It appears to be successful. When I turn it on, it is in Chinese. So I download the file to see what the image file looks like, and that is the error image file.

Actions #8

Updated by Jim Unroe over 7 years ago

It appears that the memory layout may have changed dramatically. Do you have a radio that you have not uploaded to yet?


Actions #9

Updated by Jim Unroe over 7 years ago

Do you have a factory software that works with these latest radios?


Actions #11

Updated by Jim Unroe over 7 years ago

So this was from one of the new radios that hasn't been uploaded to yet, right?

Actions #12

Updated by Kat Russ over 7 years ago

That is correct. That is the downloaded file off the radio from the box. No alterations have been made.

Actions #13

Updated by Jim Unroe over 7 years ago

It looks like Baofeng may have reduced the size of the BF-888s' memory. Reading beyond the new, smaller size causes the memory to partially wrap around. Writing beyond the new, smaller size seems to overwrite the new memory map putting bogus values in the settings (which causes the voice prompts to be Chinese).

I think I might know where the new memory areas are, but I need you to perform some tests to confirm what I am thinking. Here is what I need you to do:

Don't use any of your new radios that are still "factory". Use one that speaks Chinese.

  1. Download from your radio to get me a baseline image and save it to an "image".
  2. Change the Voice Prompt to English (with the power OFF, set radio to channel 15 and power on with the PTT and MONI buttons pressed)
  3. Download from your radio to get me an image with the Voice Prompt set to English.

Attach both saved "images" to this issue so I can review them.


Actions #15

Updated by Kat Russ over 7 years ago

I usually see the language setting in the "Settings" tab under the "Memories" tab. That "Settings" tab is blank with the Chinese voice. I have to go to View>Change Language>(drop down menu set to "Auto") and select "English" to change the language settings.

Actions #16

Updated by Jim Unroe over 7 years ago

Kat Russ wrote:

I usually see the language setting in the "Settings" tab under the "Memories" tab. That "Settings" tab is blank with the Chinese voice. I have to go to View>Change Language>(drop down menu set to "Auto") and select "English" to change the language settings.


Do not pay any attention to the Settings tab. The settings tab for this new crop of radios is meaningless. The settings don't appear to be in the same memory location so CHIRP does not read from or write to the proper location in memory. With your help, I am trying to determine where the settings might have been relocated to.

The "View>Change Language> ..." is for the CHIRP user interface, not the radio. I need you to change the language from Chinese to English using the radio's interface for doing so. Then I might be able to determine the new location by comparing before and after CHIRP images.


Actions #17

Updated by Kat Russ over 7 years ago


I now understand that. However, when I followed your instructions the voice changed from Chinese to English and that is the image that I previously provided.

Actions #18

Updated by Jim Unroe over 7 years ago

Unfortunately it wasn't clear which byte contained the change (there was too many changes). Do it again but this time change it to English, grab an image, then change it back to Chinese and grab another image. Hopefully that will narrow the change down to a dingle byte.


Actions #20

Updated by Jim Unroe over 7 years ago

Hi Kat,

Both of these files are identical. Did you actually hear the voice prompt change?


Actions #21

Updated by Jon Franks over 7 years ago

Hi both,

I am also having this issue. Is there anything I can do to assist with debugging?

Actions #22

Updated by Jim Merrell about 7 years ago

I am also having the same problem. Is there any update to this?

Actions #23

Updated by Dieter Preiser about 7 years ago

Ch 15, Press / Hold both PTT and MONI, and Power ON
Change Language (CHI / ENG)

Actions #24

Updated by Luke P over 6 years ago

Hi, I just ran across this issue now.

I had previously programmed the older BF-888 without issue, but a recently purchased machine presented exactly the same issues as reported above.

To give a little more info FWIW - after programming with chirp the 'original' Baofeng software could not change the language (nor any of the other features). Regretably I'm not sure if it could before using chirp, but I've no reason to assume that it couldn't.

It's a shame that the full menu options aren't available through chirp's interface, and although it's possible to reset the language via the 'manual' method described by Dieter Preiser I expect it would be desirable to sort this out if possible?

To this end, while these later radios were for someone else, meaning I don't have ready access to them (and mine are the earlier machines), I'd be happy to purchase a couple more and do whatever's needed to assist with resolving the issue, if that helped...

Actions #25

Updated by Erwin van den Broek over 6 years ago

Hi, I have the same issue.
What I have to add is that next to the language issue, the channels don't work correct either. I can talk from the new one to the old one, but not the other way around. Also not from a new one to another new one.
I really hope you can find a solution, the new ones are useless this way.
Thank you in advance.

Actions #26

Updated by Erwin van den Broek over 6 years ago

Erwin van den Broek wrote:

Hi, I have the same issue.
What I have to add is that next to the language issue, the channels don't work correct either. I can talk from the new one to the old one, but not the other way around. Also not from a new one to another new one.
I really hope you can find a solution, the new ones are useless this way.
Thank you in advance.

Oh and if you need someone to test a solution, I am available. I have two units with the problem, 4 new ones that I didn't program yet and a few that are older so they work fine.

Actions #27

Updated by Daniele Testa over 5 years ago

I have similar issues. Just bought a new 888s and opened CHIRP, did a read changed some frequencies and wrote it back. Now the device is completely screwed up. On some channels, there is just a constant beep tone and the language is in Mandarin. Frequencies are also not correct. Seems the RX is correct, because I can hear others. But the TX seems to send on a completely other frequency. My radio is pretty much a big brick at this point. I think this bug-report should be taken a bit more seriously as people are probably bricking their new 888s every day when using CHiRP at this point. I have attached the original file that I read out of the box.

Actions #28

Updated by Daniele Testa over 5 years ago

Btw, I get "Radio returned unknown identification string" when trying to write to the radio after it was bricked.

Actions #29

Updated by Tony Fuller over 5 years ago

I wonder if the Radioddity GA-2S is also affected? There are certain settings that CHIRP can't program correctly for the GA-2S such as language, voice on/off, vox, scan on/off.

The GA-2S uses the same *.py driver file to upload/download the image.

Actions #30

Updated by Tony Fuller over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Incomplete to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Applied in changeset commit:f2f71d0cd6a9.


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