



Bug #4971


CHIRP DAILY 2017-06-27 works on my WIN 10 but do not start on WIN XP on PC and ASUS EEE

Added by Stanislav Uliciansky over 7 years ago. Updated almost 5 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Chirp Version:
Model affected:
(All models)
Debug Log:
I read the instructions above:


Program CHIRP installed from the file "chirp-daily-20170627-installer.exe" works fine on my NB with OS WIN 10, but want not start on PC with OS WIN XP and also on ASUS EEE with another version of OS WIN XP. The only activity on WIN XP is showing small window "Error reporting is enabled" (See enclosed file "Error reporting is enabled.jpg").
Enclosed you will find files:

WIN_XP - debug.log - Debug log from CHIRP installed on OS WIN XP
WIN_10 - debug.log - Debug log from CHIRP installed on OS WIN 10
WIN_10 - chirp.config - Config file from WIN 10

On OS WIN XP the chirp.config file was not created.



WIN_XP - debug.log (19 KB) WIN_XP - debug.log CHIRP DEBUG LOG from computer with OS WIN XP Stanislav Uliciansky, 07/02/2017 01:17 PM
WIN_10 - debug.log (93.7 KB) WIN_10 - debug.log CHIRP DEBUG LOG from computer with OS WIN 10 Stanislav Uliciansky, 07/02/2017 01:17 PM
WIN_10 - chirp.config (1.36 KB) WIN_10 - chirp.config CHIRP Config file from computer wiht OS WIN 10 Stanislav Uliciansky, 07/02/2017 01:17 PM
Error reporting is enabled.jpg (13.5 KB) Error reporting is enabled.jpg Error reporting is enabled - the only activity on OS WIN XP Stanislav Uliciansky, 07/02/2017 01:17 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Jim Unroe over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Incomplete


The "error reporting is enabled" prompt is an indication that CHIRP installed properly.

For some reason, many users misinterpret this message as being an error message. They read it as "ERROR!, reporting is enabled"). It is an informational message. It lets the user know that the default behavior of CHIRP is to have "error reporting" (the reporting of errors) enabled by default. It also advises the user that this feature can be disabled in help menu if this behavior is not desired.

Just click OK button to continue to CHIRP. If you don't want CHIRP to phone home to report errors, disable it in the Help menu. Close CHIRP and the user will never see this message again (assuming the chirp.config file was created properly).


Actions #2

Updated by Stanislav Uliciansky over 7 years ago


Smal window "Error.." is not my problem. Main problem is that CHIRP after showing this windov DOES NOT START - no application is in WINDOWS TASKS, no process CHIRP.exe is there. So I canĀ“t work with CHIRP on my XP computers, only on WIN 10 (notebook). And comparing debug.log for WIN XP and WIN 10 there is something wrong at loading data for Vertex standard_VXA-700

2017-07-02 12:59:49,217] - INFO: Registered Vertex_Standard_VXA-700 = VXA700Radio
[2017-07-02 12:59:49,233] elib.intl - DEBUG: Set environment variable 'LANG' to 'sk_SK' ('kernel32.SetEnvironmentVariableW')
[2017-07-02 12:59:49,233] elib.intl - DEBUG: Set environment variable 'LANG' to 'sk_SK' ('msvcrt.putenv')
[2017-07-02 12:59:49,233] elib.intl - DEBUG: Set environment variable 'LANG' to 'sk_SK' ('msvcr90._putenv')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "chirpw", line 126, in
File "chirp\ui\mainapp.pyo", line 2064, in __init
File "chirp\ui\mainapp.pyo", line 571, in update_stock_configs
File "chirp\ui\mainapp.pyo", line 552, in copy_shipped_stock_configs
File "ntpath.pyo", line 85, in join
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xed in position 42: invalid continuation byte


BUT: The same in WIN 10

[2017-07-01 21:26:06,865] - INFO: Registered Vertex_Standard_VXA-700 = VXA700Radio
[2017-07-01 21:26:06,869] elib.intl - DEBUG: Set environment variable 'LANG' to 'sk_SK' ('kernel32.SetEnvironmentVariableW')
[2017-07-01 21:26:06,871] elib.intl - DEBUG: Set environment variable 'LANG' to 'sk_SK' ('msvcrt._putenv')
[2017-07-01 21:26:06,871] elib.intl - DEBUG: Set environment variable 'LANG' to 'sk_SK' ('msvcr90._putenv')
[2017-07-01 21:26:07,065] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2017-07-01 21:26:07,065] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2017-07-01 21:26:07,066] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2017-07-01 21:26:07,066] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2017-07-01 21:26:07,066] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2017-07-01 21:26:07,068] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2017-07-01 21:26:07,068] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2017-07-01 21:26:07,068] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2017-07-01 21:26:07,068] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2017-07-01 21:26:07,068] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2017-07-01 21:26:07,069] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config

and win10 debug.log continues....


Actions #3

Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 5 years ago

  • Target version set to chirp-legacy

Stanislav, do you have a non-standard character in your computer path to Chirp (accented letter or umlaut)?
That would be the reason.

Actions #4

Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Incomplete to Closed

No more feedback by submitter.


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