Bug #4793
closedLeixen vv898-e ver 1.05
I download the latest version of Chirp and it will not upload properly to my Leixen VV989-e. When I upload the channels are populated with frequencies and data that are not in the Chirp file and non of the Chirp data is transfered. I have also tried the Leixen software and although my radio shows a label saying it is running version 1.05 that software does not program properly but installing their version 1.07 will allow me to program the radio.
I have also found that when only odd number channels are populated in Chirp some will transfer to the radio but not all Data (alias channel names) is transfered properly. I'm hoping you can help and very much appreciate your supplying this software. I use Chirp with my Baofeng and it works perfectly and is much easier than any factory issued software to use.
Thanks again
John K3JAG
Updated by Pete Ed almost 8 years ago
+I have previously posted this in a very old thread, so I am posting again for the benefit of the CHIRP Team:+
I have just bought a Leixen VV-898S with FW version 1.08B
I have successfully programmed it with the Factory Software for v1.07 (I have not tried CHIRP with this radio as yet)
+What might be of interest to the CHIRP staff+, is that the Factory Software uses 2 separate banks of 99 memories (a separate programming window for each one), and within each bank, +the FIRST 3 MEMORIES of each bank+ are allocated to the VFO. They seem to be TEMP storage areas for band switching. Down the left hand side of the window, which is the first column and labelled [No.], the numbers begin this way: 136, next is 245, then 400, after those the 'normal' channel numbering (rows) begins, 01, 02, 03 .... 99.
Cheers --Pete
Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Chirp Version changed from 0.4.0 to daily
- Model affected changed from (All models) to Leixen VV898S
Duplicates #4069. Please follow and post there. Thanks!