Bug #4725
closedYaesu VX-3R MAC OS X can't upload to radio?
Start date:
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Chirp Version:
Model affected:
Yaesu VX-3R
I read the instructions above:
I have MAC OS 10 El Capitan. I have a Yeasu VX3R. I bought a CT-106 serial usb FTDI cable from KJ6ZWL. I can download from the VX3R to Chirp. But I cannot upload to radio. It goes to about 25% and freezes up and I get an error message on the radio. I've restarted and tried agin. Same thing. What can I do?
Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 5 years ago
- Subject changed from VX3R MAC OS X can't upload to radio? to Yaesu VX-3R MAC OS X can't upload to radio?
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Priority changed from Urgent to Normal
- Target version set to chirp-legacy
- Model affected changed from VX3R to Yaesu VX-3R
Duplicates #5021. That ticket might offer a solution for you. If it doesn't, please add your feedback there.