Bug #4633
closedUV-6R Incomplete Cloning Progress
Attached is the img file of the programming of my baofeng uv-6r radio.
It seems to not be able to completely finish its cloning progress. thank you.
Updated by Jim Unroe almost 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
Explain what you mean by "not able to completely finish"? Please, include a debug.log file.
Updated by RANDY CAMILOTES almost 8 years ago
The cloning progress display "with the green bar" doesn't completely reach the end of the bar
Updated by Jim Unroe almost 8 years ago
For the upload? It goes to about 3 quarters and jumts ahead. If there are no errors reported, this is normal.
The downloaded image looks complete. I don't know why CHIRP doesn't detect it though.
The debug.log is "clean" and does not contain any cloning operation.
Launch CHIRP
Cause the error
Grab the debug.log file.
Updated by RANDY CAMILOTES almost 8 years ago
tHANKS FOR the update Jim,
It can't seem to upload the new message that i assign whenever the radio is turned on...it just continues to show "WELCOME" even if i have already changed it to something else. is this a radio limitation issue?
Updated by Jim Unroe almost 8 years ago
Maybe, maybe not. Attach your edited image plus a freshly downloaded image from your radio.
Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 5 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Closed
- Chirp Version changed from 0.4.0 to daily
- Model affected changed from (All models) to Baofeng UV-6R
No more feedback by submitter.