



New Model #4511


Baofeng UV-9R

Added by Marko Petricevic about 8 years ago. Updated about 5 years ago.

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I read the instructions above:


I purcshased a new model of Baofeng UV-9R. I tried to program it using a CHIRP but i have succsess downloag img file from the radio but there is a problem to upload to radio. Please help. in CHIRP for download I use Baofeng model BF UV 82 WP.

I would like to request to add a new model to your list of radios in CHIRP.

here is link of he model>

Thank you,


debug.log (210 KB) debug.log Marko Petricevic, 03/01/2017 01:40 AM
Baofeng_UV-9R_20170301.img (8.02 KB) Baofeng_UV-9R_20170301.img Marko Petricevic, 03/01/2017 01:40 AM
Screen Shot 2019-06-11 at 6.09.38 pm.jpg (332 KB) Screen Shot 2019-06-11 at 6.09.38 pm.jpg Screenshot Quoc Huy Nguyen Dinh, 06/11/2019 01:11 AM

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Has duplicate New Model #4495: New model Baofeng UV-9RRejected02/06/2017

Actions #1

Updated by Jim Unroe about 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Incomplete

Include the downloaded image file and debug.log file.

Actions #2

Updated by Tim Smith about 8 years ago

  • Subject changed from New model Baofeng UV-9R to Baofeng UV-9R
Actions #3

Updated by Marko Petricevic about 8 years ago


Again I tried to do upload img file to the UV-9R but again without success.
Whether someone can explain to me the procedure?
Maybe I'm wrong somewhere ..

Thanks in advance.

Marko Petricevic

Actions #4

Updated by Jim Unroe about 8 years ago

You have not provided the debug.log file or your downloaded image for us to look at.


Updated by Marko Petricevic about 8 years ago


I delivered to you img.file and debug.log files from my radio station with the tag Baofeng UV-9R.

I hope you will be able to solve the problem.

Thanks in advance.

Marko Petricevic

Actions #6

Updated by Jim Unroe about 8 years ago


Thanks for the debug.log and downloaded image file. I can see that the upload starts, the request to get the "firmware version" from the radio is successful but after that the connection is terminated. I will have to study this some more.


Actions #7

Updated by Marko Petricevic about 8 years ago

Jim, that's right. Upload starts, and stops after a few seconds. Thanks again, and hope that the problem will be solved. Best regards.

Actions #8

Updated by Marko Petricevic almost 8 years ago


Is there anything new about this issue?


Marko Petricevic

Actions #9

Updated by Marko Petricevic almost 8 years ago


I'm interested in, is there news about this issue?

I tried to do upload using the new version of CHIRP, but still without success.

Thanks, and hope that the problem will be solved soon.

Best regards.

Marko Petrićević

Actions #10

Updated by Marko Petricevic over 7 years ago

Hello Jim,

Is there anz chances to do something with this issue_

Best regards,

Marko Petrićević

Actions #11

Updated by Marko Petricevic over 7 years ago

Jim Unroe wrote:


Thanks for the debug.log and downloaded image file. I can see that the upload starts, the request to get the "firmware version" from the radio is successful but after that the connection is terminated. I will have to study this some more.



I guess I'm boring but I want to ask you to look once again on the problem I have with upload on my Baofeng UV-9R.
Still , nothing is happend.
Thank you.
Bes regards

Actions #12

Updated by Ben Kuiper over 7 years ago

Marko Petricevic wrote:

Jim Unroe wrote:


Thanks for the debug.log and downloaded image file. I can see that the upload starts, the request to get the "firmware version" from the radio is successful but after that the connection is terminated. I will have to study this some more.



I guess I'm boring but I want to ask you to look once again on the problem I have with upload on my Baofeng UV-9R.
Still , nothing is happend.
Thank you.
Bes regards

Just received my UV-9R as well, would love to see a solution to use CHIRP to program the UV-9R.

Thanks in advance!

Actions #13

Updated by Marc Rav about 7 years ago

Any update on this model being included in chirp? Was excited to finally get a water resistant radio to use on boat amongst other things but waiting for this so I don't have to manually add all my desired channels. Using latest chirp (dec 4 2017)

Actions #14

Updated by Frank Leonhardt about 7 years ago

I can't replicate this problem.

I've just tested this with the current Windoze (7) build using the UV-82WP driver, with two different UV-9R sets from different times and different sources and it works as well as any.

Occasionally you have to turn it off and on and start again, and use a different volume setting. Nothing odd about that.

I'm using (what I believe to be) a genuine baofeng programming cable with a Prolific chip, driver version (17-10-2017).

The reported firmware is NT5101 in both cases

Actions #15

Updated by Marko Petricevic about 7 years ago

Hello Frank,
Can you explain in more detail how to try using CHIRP with my UV-9R radio station. Thank you in advance.

Best regards,


Actions #16

Updated by Marko Govek almost 7 years ago

Hello Marko, hello everyone.

My name is Marko and I have the same problem as Marko Petricevic.
I just got the uv-9r radio, but i can't get it to connect it to PC (win10), tried all sorts of drivers I could get.

Chrip version is latest Windows download - date: 04/05/2018
No 'upload to radio' is available.
Attempted to download from radio but no Baofeng UV-9R was available.
Suggestions to use UV-82WP does not work.
Initially a small window opens and says cloning ... the the radio resets or crashes.
Chirp then gives error message: "Error reading data from radio: not the amount of data we want."

Kind regards, Marko

Actions #17

Updated by Marko Petricevic about 6 years ago

Hello, is there any solve for this problemm.


Actions #18

Updated by Simon MacLeavy almost 6 years ago

Marko Petricevic wrote:

Hello, is there any solve for this problem.


hi Mark and all others trying to program their uv-9r i have just programmed my uv-9r using this website download for T57 which is the same model as uv-9r and once installed open it and go to communication and there is com ports 1- 16 mine worked on com 7 not sure if it will be the same for others but worth a try and then once that got the communication going with the radio i did the rest with chirp and it worked

hope this helps peeps

Actions #19

Updated by Quoc Huy Nguyen Dinh over 5 years ago

I managed to download and re-upload from a UV-9R Plus using UV-82WP over USB serial and volume set to 100%.

Actions #20

Updated by cana5ta _ about 5 years ago

Hi All

I suggest you try a better quality cable with these UV9Rxxx models. I suffered the same issue with a UV9R-ERA.
Throw the programming cable that is offered with the radio away - it's likely a poor quality (CH340 chip) cable.
Search online for "FTDI USB programming cable for UV-9Rplus BF-9700".

Chirp should then work connected as UV-82WP, UV-82III, BF-A58 or GT-3WP.


Actions #21

Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Incomplete to Closed
  • Priority changed from High to Normal
  • Target version set to chirp-legacy

The UV-9R should be well supported by Chirp by now. Please see comments about connector issues.


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