Bug #4479
closedchirp-daily-20170126 is not launched in OS X Sierra
I was running chirp-daily-20161220 without problem in OSX Sierra but after that new releases don't open when click on app icon.
Application size was 5.7MB, but newer ones 3MB. There seems something missing in new releases.
Updated by Michel D. about 8 years ago
Erhan Aslanturk wrote:
I was running chirp-daily-20161220 without problem in OSX Sierra but after that new releases don't open when click on app icon.
Application size was 5.7MB, but newer ones 3MB. There seems something missing in new releases.
I have the same problem with Sierra OS X 10.12.3
Updated by Tom Hayward about 8 years ago
I was able to reproduce this, but only once. The first time, I got this error:
open chirp-daily-20170126.app LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed with error -10810 for the file /Users/tom/Downloads/chirp-daily-20170126.app.
Then I ran:
cd chirp-daily-20170126.app/Contents/MacOS/ ./chirp
And it started right up.
Now when I use @open@ or double-click the app, it starts normally.
My hunch is that this has something to do with macOS security protections. Since it works fine once you get past this step, it's apparently not missing anything.
Updated by Michel D. about 8 years ago
Tom Hayward wrote:
I was able to reproduce this, but only once. The first time, I got this error:
Then I ran:
And it started right up.
Now when I use @open@ or double-click the app, it starts normally.
Same here, now it runs.
Updated by Erhan Aslanturk about 8 years ago
Yes, following works fine but its a little bit proficient action to have it running. Average Mac users may not do that.
cd chirp-daily-20170126.app/Contents/MacOS/ ./chirp
Updated by jim k about 8 years ago
I experienced this difficulty also - brand new to CHIRP, Sierra 10.12.2. navigating to the folder as per the above and
@sudo ./chirp@
got me launched.
I'm too new and inexperienced to be editing the project's documentation, but perhaps this approach could be noted on the wiki; reordering http://chirp.danplanet.com/projects/chirp/wiki/MacOS_Tips so the current os x version is at the top and better called out as 'hey we have to do weird stuff to appease apple security folk' would be better. I almost gave up after attempting several old install packages, and stumbled on #4485 then found this thread/approach.
Looking forward to coming up to speed with CHIRP.
Updated by Tim Smith about 8 years ago
- Target version deleted (
0.4.1) - Chirp Version changed from 0.4.0 to daily
I think the startup script is causing a sandbox violation that's keeping the app from opening when it tries to symlink the Python framework into the app bundle (so that @argv[0]@ is pretty). Running it from the command line solves the problem because it runs outside the application sandbox. Once the symlink is created, subsequent runs within the app sandbox work fine.
Removing this code from Contents/MacOS/chirp solves the problem:
if [ -x $PYTHON ]; then ln -s $PYTHON "${LOCATION}/../CHIRP" PYTHON=${LOCATION}/../CHIRP export PYTHONPATH="/opt/kk7ds//Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/" else PYTHON=/opt/kk7ds/bin/python2.7 fi
(but makes @argv[0]@ ugly, so the About menu etc have "Python" instead of "CHIRP".)
Updated by Tim Smith about 8 years ago
It looks like https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14122330/programatically-setting-the-mac-menubar-title offers a solution using ctypes and undocumented APIs...
Updated by Richard Perlman about 8 years ago
As reported in Bug #4503, The core issue seems to relate to the directory chirp is located in when it is first run. If run from a location other than "Applications" it fails with an error 126. After being moved into "Applications" it starts normally and can then be re-copied elsewhere.
Updated by Tim Smith about 8 years ago
After a little testing it looks like if it's been moved to /Applications, then the app bundle will always run the first time and can have any name at all. If the app sandbox has different rules for /Applications than e.g. ~/Downloads, that would be consistent with the behavior you're observing; I don't see anything Chirp-specific that asserts that it's being opened from a particular location.
Aha: it looks like we're observing a behavior called "App Translocation" or "Gatekeeper Path Randomization" that applies to quarantined apps run from ~/Downloads. I was a little wrong insofar as it's not a "sandbox" but it does run apps from a temporary read-only volume, which explains why the initialization code that attempts to write into the app bundle causes the app to crash.
This is described at https://weblog.rogueamoeba.com/2016/06/29/sierra-and-gatekeeper-path-randomization/, http://mjtsai.com/blog/2016/06/16/gatekeeper-path-randomization/... and almost not at all on developer.apple.com.
Updated by Tim Smith about 8 years ago
Chirp can check whether it's being run from a translocated location. Chirp should only attempt the pretty-name hack if it is not translocated.
- @Ernesto Garcia translocate-status-check some_path@ will print either "TRANSLOCATED" or "NOT TRANSLOCATED" if @translocate-status-check@ is supported.
- Given an unknown command (as on older versions of OS X, presumably), @Ernesto Garcia@ prints @Ernesto Garcia: unknown command "asdf"@.
This patch tries to add that check:
diff --git a/Contents/MacOS/chirp b/Contents/MacOS/chirp index 5386485..dab4777 100755 --- a/Contents/MacOS/chirp +++ b/Contents/MacOS/chirp @@ -4,7 +4,11 @@ LOCATION=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE}") PYTHON=/opt/kk7ds//Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Resources/Python.app/Contents/MacOS/Python -if [ -x $PYTHON ]; then +not_translocated () { + security translocate-status-check "$LOCATION" 2>&1 | grep -q -e NOT -e unknown -e "not found" +} + +if [ -x $PYTHON ] && not_translocated; then ln -s $PYTHON "${LOCATION}/../CHIRP" PYTHON=${LOCATION}/../CHIRP export PYTHONPATH="/opt/kk7ds//Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/"
Updated by Tim Smith about 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee set to Tim Smith
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
The next daily (20170209 or later) incorporates a fix.
Updated by RJ Anderson almost 8 years ago
Hi, Just got chrip 20170518 build, OSX 10.12.5. App will not open at all (even from Applications). Tried all above. Still won't open (double click launches something which exits immediately without any UI or error). Thx.
Updated by RJ Anderson almost 8 years ago
RJ Anderson wrote:
Hi, Just got chirp 20170518 build, OSX 10.12.5. App will not open at all (even from Applications). Tried all above. Still won't open (double click launches something which exits immediately without any UI or error). Thx.
Updated by RJ Anderson almost 8 years ago
I get this if this is helpful:
Last login: Fri May 19 14:54:21 on ttys000
Robs-Imac-Retina-2:~ robertanderson$ /Applications/Chirp.app/Contents/MacOS/chirp ; exit;
/Applications/Chirp.app/Contents/MacOS/chirp: line 19: /opt/kk7ds/bin/python2.7: No such file or directory
/Applications/Chirp.app/Contents/MacOS/chirp: line 19: exec: /opt/kk7ds/bin/python2.7: cannot execute: No such file or directory
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...
[Process completed]
but no application window ever shows. It looks like it's not finding "Python 2.7", although I downloaded and installed that explicitly, but that didn't help. thx
Updated by RJ Anderson almost 8 years ago
Resolved, apparently, there are multiple Python 2.7 downloads out there, the only one that this seems to work with is: http://www.d-rats.com/download/OSX_Runtime/KK7DS_Python_Runtime_R10.pkg
Installing that fixed the issue.
Updated by Jim Unroe almost 8 years ago
RJ Anderson wrote:
Resolved, apparently, there are multiple Python 2.7 downloads out there, the only one that this seems to work with is: http://www.d-rats.com/download/OSX_Runtime/KK7DS_Python_Runtime_R10.pkg
Installing that fixed the issue.
I'm glad you got it resolved. It does tell you to install that package in the MacOS Users section of the CHIRP download page (quoted below).
- New Mac OS X must install the runtime once before running CHIRP. After it is installed, the runtime does not need to be downloaded or installed each time. Download the "KK7DS Python runtime":http://www.d-rats.com/download/OSX_Runtime/KK7DS_Python_Runtime_R10.pkg for Mac OSX.