



Bug #3437


Turning off clone instructions for one radio affects all radios, including new ones for which the user has never seen the instructions.

Added by Fred Maxwell almost 9 years ago. Updated almost 9 years ago.

Target version:
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Chirp Version:
Model affected:
(All models)
Debug Log:
I read the instructions above:


_Note: While CHIRP is working as designed, I believe that this is a bug (flaw) in the design for which there is no obvious end-user workaround.
I own a Kenwood TM-281A and, after seeing the warning about operating in "live mode" on several occasions, I checked the box to disable the warning.

Then I bought a used Yaesu FT-2900R. I spent about an hour trying to download from it, suspecting both the new cable and the used radio as causes. I looked up pinouts and schematics, tried the cable in alternate USB ports, tried to determine if the Prolific chip was counterfeit, etc. Finally, I rebooted my Mac Pro into Windows 10, installed CHIRP under Windows, ran it, and started a download from the radio. Suddenly, the cloning instructions popped up:

Yaesu FT-2900R/1900R Instructions

  1. Turn Radio off.
  2. Connect data cable.
  3. While holding "A/N LOW" button, turn radio on.
  4. After clicking OK, press "SET MHz" to send image.

[ ] Don't show instructions for any radio again

That explained why it didn't work before, and it's not exactly an intuitive process that a user would be likely to figure out on their own. Of course, when following those instructions, it all worked fine.

Short version:

The CHIRP config file contains the following upon installation:

clone_instructions = False

After the user checks the box to disable the warning, it changes to True.

Low-impact recommendations to address this problem:

First choice: If a cloning attempt fails, reset [noconfirm] clone_instructions = False
Second choice: Construct radio-specific environment variables formatted as {vendor}{model_clone_instructions_. Example: Yaesu_FT-2900R/1900R_clone_instructions = False
Third choice: If the current vendor and model is different than the last_vendor and last_model, reset [noconfirm] clone_instructions = false (such that the cloning instructions are shown).

Note: This seems like inverted logic. Rather than calling the section "[noconfirm]", I'd call it "[showinstructions] and invert the variable. When an engineer sees "clone_instructions = False", the initial assumption is that clone instructions will not be shown.

Actions #1

Updated by Fred Maxwell almost 9 years ago

Further investigation reveals that the behavior is the same regardless of which of these is present:

clone_instructions = False

clone_instructions = True

The way I got the cloning instructions to show up again for my Yaesu FT-2900R was by deleting that section entirely.

Therefore, I am modifying my low-impact fix recommendations as follows:

First choice: If a cloning attempt fails, delete the [noconfirm] block from the config file.
Second choice: If the current vendor and model is different than the last_vendor and last_model, delete the [noconfirm] block from the config file.

Actions #2

Updated by Kosta A. almost 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • Assignee set to Kosta A.
  • % Done changed from 0 to 90

I have submitted a patch which provides the ability to toggle cloning instructions on/off from the Help menu.

Prior to this the only method for re-enabling the cloning instructions once they had been disabled was to manually edit or delete your config ini file.

Actions #3

Updated by Kosta A. almost 9 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 90 to 100
Actions #4

Updated by Kosta A. almost 9 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

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