



Bug #341


Alinco DR-135T PL tones not programmed correctly

Added by Dan Butler over 12 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

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I read the instructions above:


PLL tones not programmed correctly. I used CHIRP to configure my new Alinco DR-135T. Set the PL tones to 162.2 as normal for repeaters around here. Upon programming the radio, they show up in the radio as 167.9. In order to get them to show up in the radio correctly, I have to select 159.8 in CHIRP. BTW, this does not seem to be a simple "off by one" error as PL tone 100hz correctly transfers to the radio as 167.9. In order to get them to show up in the radio correctly, I have to select 159.8 in CHIRP. BTW, this does not seem to be a simple "off by one" error as PL tone 100hz correctly transfers to the radio.

Configuration: OS: Ubuntu 10.04, CHIRP Version 0.2.3, Radio: Alinco DR-135T Reproducibility: 100%

I emailed this description to Dan Smith who added the following:
"It is an off-by-one, because Alinco doesn't include a few of the higher tones, making the off-by-one start somewhere in the list."

I stand by willing to assist in resolving this issue: Recreating this bug as needed, testing patches, etc.


Alinco PLL tone page.pdf (44 KB) Alinco PLL tone page.pdf Dan Butler, 11/02/2012 09:00 AM (12 KB) Tom Hayward, 11/02/2012 10:29 AM
Alinco DR135T read.img (4 KB) Alinco DR135T read.img Dan Butler, 11/02/2012 07:42 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Tom Hayward over 12 years ago

Can you look in your manual and tell us the list of tones the radio supports? That way we can ensure Chirp is using the same list. Once we do that they will all match up.

Actions #2

Updated by Dan Butler over 12 years ago

67.0 69.3 71.9 74.4 77.0 79.7 82.5 85.4 88.5 91.5 94.8 97.4 100.0 103.5 107.2 110.9 114.8 118.8 123.0 127.3 131.8 136.5 141.3 146.2 151.4 156.7 162.2 167.9 173.8 179.9 186.2 192.8 203.5 210.7 218.1 225.7 233.6 241.8 250.3

See also attached scan of manual page for original list.

Actions #3

Updated by Tom Hayward over 12 years ago

  • File added
  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • Assignee set to Tom Hayward
  • Target version set to 0.2.4
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
  • Model affected changed from (All models) to DRx35

I've just submitted a patch that I believe will fix your tone issues. It uses the above list for allowed tones on the DR-135, which should result in Chirp's list aligning with the list on the radio.

We have a few options for testing this. First, program a channel in your radio from the front panel or known good software with a tone of 250.3. Then:

  • Use Chirp's File > Load Module (only available in daily builds) tool to load the attached code, then download from your radio and verify the tone is accurate.
  • OR wait for this change to appear in a daily build, then use the daily build to download from your radio and verify the tone is accurate.
  • OR download from the radio with 0.2.3, post your new img file here, and I'll verify that the new code reads the tone as 250.3.
Actions #4

Updated by Dan Butler over 12 years ago

Verified fix via the method described in the 1st bullet. Set memory 99 PL tones to 250.3. Version 0.2.3 reads them as 196.6. Loaded the 10/28 build and loaded the module. Memory 99 now shows 250.3 and the other memories where I previously had to select the tone prior to 162.2. These now read correctly with the patch.

Thanks team for the swift response!

(.img file attached f)

Actions #5

Updated by Tom Hayward over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

Thanks for testing.

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