Bug #3147
closedBaofeng BF-F8HP Incorrect 'Model' selected
I bought two Baofeng BF-F8s from Amazon (I used to have the 5R and was very happy with them).
I have tried to program them using Chirp with no success.
I keep on getting the "Incorrect 'Model' error; I have tried this on both my MAC and my Windows 7 laptops.
I have the "official" cable and the software and cable work fine with the UV-5R, but NOT the BF-F8
Any help will be appreciated.
Nick. KD2LS
Updated by Jim Unroe about 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Incomplete
A BF-F8 and BF-F8HP are completely different radios. The former has 2 power levels and an inverted LCD display. The latter has 3 power levels and a standard LCD display.
You must not, and CHIRP builds since early 2015 will not let you, directly upload CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) files that came from another Baofeng radio unless all 14 bytes of the firmware versions exactly match. When they don't match, as in your case, the upload will be aborted.
A UV-5R type radio with have a BFBxxx or N5R2xxx type firmware designation. A BF-F8HP will have a N5R3xxx type firmware designation. Therefor it is not possible for them to "exactly match".
You will either have to open 2 tabs and copy-and-past the channels between the tabs, or what I prefer, import the "image" of the source radio into a tab of the target radio.
File -> Import
Updated by Nick Garbidakis about 9 years ago
thank you for the response.
I am not trying to use a file from another model. I am trying to download a file from the radio so I can do exactly what you are describing: Open in two tabs and copy and paste.
My problem is that I cannot download the file as I am getting the Incorrect model error.
I only mentioned the UV-5R to indicate that I have already tested the cable and that it works properly.
From your description, it looks like I have the BF-F8 even though the label says BF-F8+
I just looked at the specs and it is selectable 1 or 5 Watts.
Looking at the software I can only see the BF-F8HP listed and NOT the BF-F8
Am I missing something?
thanks again for your help.
Nick, KD2LS
Updated by Jim Unroe about 9 years ago
A BF-F8 is a UV-5R variant with 2 power levels. You would use the UV-5R model selection for this radio.
"Baofeng UV-5R Variants":http://chirp.danplanet.com/projects/chirp/wiki/Baofeng_UV5R_Variants
Updated by Nick Garbidakis about 9 years ago
Oh my!!! Thank you so much, you made my night; it just worked fine! :-) :-)
I have spent hours Googling and researching but somehow I never came across this little but VERY important detail!
Nick, KD2LS
Updated by Jim Unroe about 9 years ago
- Status changed from Incomplete to Resolved
Thanks for the report of your success.