Bug #3025
openFT-1802 Fails to upload
I can download from my Yaesu FT-1802 fine. When I upload it seems to finish, the Chirp transfer window disappears but the radio still shows "--RX--" for about 5-10 seconds then the radio beeps and displays "ERROR". The status line at the bottom of the Chirp window says [0] Completed Getting memory 199 (idle).
I tried downloading from the radio (default channel 0 programming only), changed channel zero to 145.000 MHz then uploaded it and it failed on the upload as before.
It appears as if Chirp didn't quite finish the transfer.
Computer: Mac Mini 2 GHz, C2D w/8Gb
OS: OS X 10.6.8
Serial Interface: FTDI
Radio: Yaesu FT-1802M
Chirp version: chirp-daily-20151119
Serial Driver: FTDIUSBSerial Driver v2.2.18
Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 5 years ago
- Target version set to chirp-legacy
- Chirp Version changed from 0.4.0 to daily
- Model affected changed from (All models) to Yaesu FT-1802
Have you been able to resolve this on your own since you submitted this?
Have you tried with a recent version since you submitted this?
If you haven't, and if you're still having this issue, please refer to the Wiki "How To Report Issues" and provide a debug log. Thanks!
Updated by Clark Martin almost 5 years ago
Attempted with chirp-daily-20200409.app.zip failed as before, all other info as in original report.
As it is loading the radio's S-meter display slowly advances, indicating progress
Chirp's dialog shows steady progress and upon completion the dialog goes away, no error is reported by Chirp.
Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
Ok thanks, hopefully one of the developers takes it.