Bug #2943
closedFT-1900E writing possible
hello I have a pb I can read with my FT-1900E chirp (latest version) but impossible to write it
Error ID
I enclose the log
73 denis F4BQN
Updated by denis brancart over 9 years ago
bonjour bon j'arrive à écrire dans le poste le problème c'est que si je sauvegarde le fichier du FT-1900E, le soft me le sauvegarde en FT-1900R donc après impossible de réécrire dans le poste
hello good I manage to write in the station the problem is that if I save the file of FT-1900E, the software saves it to me in FT-1900R so after impossible to rewrite in the station
73 Denis
Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 5 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
- Model affected changed from FT-1900E to Yaesu FT-1900E
Have you been able to resolve this on your own since you submitted this?
Have you tried with a recent version since you submitted this? Thanks!
Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
Mettre à jour, cela devrait être facile à corriger. Êtes-vous toujours en train d'écouter? Dans ce cas, j'aimerais que vous nous aidiez à tester quelques éléments. Fais-moi savoir. Merci!
Update, this should be easy to fix. Are you still listening? In this case, I'd like you to help us test a few things. Let me know. Thank you!
Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 4 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Closed
No more feedback by submitter.