



Bug #2819


Baofeng BF-F8HP connection error.

Added by Joshua Miles over 9 years ago. Updated almost 5 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Chirp Version:
Model affected:
Baofeng BF-F8HP
Debug Log:
I read the instructions above:


I updated to the most recent daily build and added a frequency to my channels no problem, went back today to make some changes to my stored frequencies and all I get is a "radio did not respond" error. However, if I switch over to the UV5R VIP software it downloads from and uploads to the radio with no issue so I know its not the cable connection.


debug.log (14 KB) debug.log Paul Massaro, 08/27/2015 09:07 PM
debug.log (14 KB) debug.log Joshua Miles, 08/29/2015 11:54 AM
Actions #1

Updated by Joshua Miles over 9 years ago

Also I have tried switching com ports in the CHIRP software to no avail.

Actions #2

Updated by Jim Unroe over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Incomplete

"Radio did not respond" usually means that CHIRP did not receive any data back from the radio. This is normally cause by a driver problem or the cable isn't fully plugged into the radio.

Just in case it is something else, you should add your debug.log to this issue.

Look at the "How to report issues": page to see how to find your debug.log file.


Actions #3

Updated by Paul Massaro over 9 years ago

I'm going to have to second that problem. Upgraded to latest build out of conformity; previously able to program BF-F8HP on my laptop (and was able to program a UV-82 this evening no issues). I'm suspecting issue with latest build. debug is attached; please advise.

Actions #4

Updated by Jim Unroe over 9 years ago

Try UV-5R as the model selection. I helped someone yesterday that supposedly had a BF-F8HP and it was actually a UV-5R mislabeled at the factory as a BF-F8HP.


Actions #5

Updated by Paul Massaro over 9 years ago


I tried UV-5R before replying, and that did not work. Per latest test report, BF-F8HP appears no where in this report; I suspect it wasn't tested against the latest build

Excerpts from the log (attached to my previous post) points to errors in a few modules. I've owned this radio over a years, and had no problems until upgrading to daily build 8/14/15 (still trying to find an older build to install and validate against; can you point me to a url with older builds?):

[2015-08-27 23:52:19,818] chirp.drivers.uv5r - DEBUG: '\x00'
[2015-08-27 23:52:19,818] chirp.drivers.uv5r - ERROR: Radio did not respond
[2015-08-27 23:52:21,821] chirp.ui.reporting - DEBUG: Reporting exception
[2015-08-27 23:52:21,821] chirp.ui.common - ERROR: -- Exception: --
[2015-08-27 23:52:21,821] chirp.ui.common - ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "chirp\ui\clone.pyo", line 238, in run
File "chirp\drivers\uv5r.pyo", line 701, in sync_in
File "chirp\drivers\uv5r.pyo", line 504, in _do_download
File "chirp\drivers\uv5r.pyo", line 499, in _ident_radio
RadioError: Radio did not respond

Actions #6

Updated by Jim Unroe over 9 years ago

"radio did not respond" is usually caused by the programming cable not having a compatible driver installed in the operating system or the 2-pin plug of the programming cable is not fully connected to the radio.

The reason that I mentioned the UV-5R part was because someone is selling what they are calling a BF-F8HP on eBay that is nothing more than a miss-labeled UV-5R. If you did not get your BF-F8HP directly from Baofeng Tech, then there is a chance that is it not a BF-F8HP.


Actions #7

Updated by Jim Unroe over 9 years ago


Which VIP version are you using?


Actions #8

Updated by Joshua Miles over 9 years ago

I am using VIP version 12.07.25. In order to get CHIRP to work with my radio, I have to let the "Radio did not respond" error happen once, then remove the USB programming cable, turn off the radio, plug the USB programming cable back into the PC, then turn the radio on to full volume, then try again to upload or download. any deviation from this order of steps results in Radio not responding again. The Cable must be unplugged and plugged back in with the CHIRP software running or it will continue to give an error. If I close chirp and reopen I have to reseat the programming cable again or it does the same thing. I had no issues before installing daily build 20150814 and still have no issues with the VIP software other than disliking the UI.

Actions #9

Updated by Joshua Miles over 9 years ago

Here is a debug log from when I ran a download from radio before unplugging and replugging my programming cable while CHIRP was open.

Actions #10

Updated by Jim Unroe over 9 years ago

If you think is has to do with the latest daily build, then fall back to an earlier build. But I can tell you the the most recent Baofeng related change was made on August 8 and all it did was move the BF-A58 radio from a "basetype" for radios with 2 power levels to a "basetype" for radios with 3 power levels. That shouldn't have had any affect on the BF-F8HP. It sure hasn't affected mine. The next change before that happened in June where there were 6 different updates. From there you have to go back to April.

Actions #11

Updated by Pat Smith over 9 years ago

Hi Jim,

You mentioned that there were Baofeng changes in April, June and August of this year. Is there a change log file where I can read about CHIRP changes/fixes/improvements before updating the daily build?

I do not see such a file in the typical locations, such as on the website and/or contained in the daily archive.

The reason I ask is because IF there are no significant changes to CHIRP that directly affect my BF-F8HP radio, frequently updating the daily to make sure I always have the latest becomes a waste of time and bandwidth. As of this writing, chirp-daily-20151126 appears to work flawlessly with my BF-F8HP radio.

Unless there are GUI improvements, am I completely wrong about skipping further daily updates?

Actions #12

Updated by Jim Unroe over 9 years ago


See CHIRP FAQ 1.3: "How often should I update CHIRP":

Ask your question in the CHIRP mailing list and I will be happy to discuss more about finding out what has changed.


Actions #13

Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Incomplete to Closed
  • Model affected changed from BF-F8HP to Baofeng BF-F8HP

A solution has been suggested. No more traffic on this ticket.


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