Bug #2741
openYaesu FT1DE units problem
obwohl gerät metrisch eingestellt ist, sind die textfelder im konfigurationsmenu: APRS - SMARTBEACON auf MPH (also imperial). zahlenwerte selbst stimmen mit dem im gerät sichtbaren werten überein.
murmel :)
although the device is set to metric, the text fields in the configuration menu are: APRS - SMARTBEACON on MPH (i.e. imperial). numerical values themselves correspond to the values visible in the device.
mumble :)
Updated by c. wolf over 9 years ago
once again - sorry for using german language in the bugreport ...
YAESU is configured to use metric values.
in the CHIRP-configuration menu APRS - SMARTBEACON all textfields shows "MPH" for the velocity - the values itself are the same as the device shows.
murmel :)
Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 5 years ago
- Subject changed from YAESU TF1DE einheitenchaos to Yaesu FT1DE units problem
- Description updated (diff)
- Target version changed from 0.5.0 to chirp-legacy
- Model affected changed from YAESU TF1Dx to Yaesu FT1DE
(I hope I changed the device names correctly. Please ensure correct names, or we won't be able to follow up.)
(Ich hoffe, ich habe die Gerätenamen richtig korrigiert. Bitte sicherstellen, dass Namen korrekt sind, sonst werden wir diese Anfrage übersehen.)