New Model #2471
closedNew model request
I have a new model request for the Baofeng 997-S the firmware version is BFS297
Updated by Jim Unroe almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
This is just another "Baofeng UV-5R variant": and is already supported.
Updated by Neil Tideswell almost 10 years ago
Jim Unroe wrote:
This is just another "Baofeng UV-5R variant": and is already supported.
It maybe a UV-5R variant but it's firmare is BFS297 and chirp does not work I have tried with this variant, however My UV-5R with firmware BFB297 does work perhaps therefore you would be so kind as to give it a second look instead of just assuming P.S. my friend has a baofeng 997-S aswell but his firmware is BFN297 his does work with chirp