



Bug #2457


Comm errors with BF-F8HP radio using Windows 7

Added by Larry Sweeney almost 10 years ago. Updated almost 5 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


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Chirp Version:
Model affected:
Baofeng BF-F8HP
Debug Log:
I read the instructions above:


Downloads from Baofeng BF-F8HP radios to Windows 7 computers stop with messages "An error has occurred...Radio refused to send block 0x0400," where the block value changes randomly with each download attempt. The same problem was observed on both an HP notebook and a Toshiba notebook running Windows 7. The CHIRP version was daily-20150321 and the comm cable was a Baofeng FTDI USB Programming Cable with the Windows Update driver. The same cable, driver, and CHIRP version worked perfectly on a Toshiba notebook running Vista and an ASUS notebook running Windows 8.1. I eventually got downloads and uploads to work on both Windows 7 computers by changing the USB Serial Port latency timer to 12 msec from the default value of 16 msec. I don't know why the default value works with Windows 8.1 and Vista but not with Windows 7; it took me a long time to find that out.

Actions #1

Updated by Pat Smith almost 10 years ago

I created this account specifically to confirm the issue raised. In my situation I am using the following:

Two new BaoFeng BF-F8HP-1 radios both with firmware N5R3403.

Genuine FTDI BaoFeng Programming Cable.

Have tried the v2.08 (mini-CD included with cable), v2.10 (DL'd from FTDI) and v2.12 (DL'd from FTDI) drivers.

Windows 7 Home Premium (fully patched).

Asus Intel Core 2 Duo laptop (N81VP).

Tested with "chirp-daily-20150409-installer.exe".

Currently the Asus laptop has the v2.12 FTDI driver installed. While the block of data that CHIRP says the radio won't send is indeed random, the success rate of actually getting all of the data is also random. For example, out of 10 attempts, one will succeed. Therefore it is not impossible to receive all blocks of data, it is just more likely that it won't. I also experimented with the volume of the radios, but that did not make any difference. I shutter to think what might happen while attempting to write back the blocks of data to the radio under these conditions.

In contrast, without removing the data cable from the side of either radio and just moving the USB plug to the monitor's USB hub on a much older P4 Windows XP desktop, the v2.10 FTDI driver works every time (both radios).

As to "changing the USB Serial Port latency timer", I do not know how to make that change or if it is even possible on this particular laptop, so I can NOT confirm the latency timer as a workaround.

Actions #2

Updated by Jim Unroe almost 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Incomplete


Please try the "LATEST CHIRP daily build":

It has a patch that helped someone having a laptop with a similar issue.


Actions #3

Updated by Pat Smith almost 10 years ago


Although your reply is not directed towards me, I wanted to let you know that "" has fixed the issue I was having with my Windows 7 Asus laptop. Tests so far has CHIRP 10 out of 10 at receiving all data blocks.


Actions #4

Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Incomplete to Closed
  • Model affected changed from (All models) to Baofeng BF-F8HP

No more feedback by submitter.


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