New Model #2371
openYaesu VX-1R
I would like to see this model supported. I can provide a loaner.
Bill W1PA
Updated by Jess Haas about 8 years ago has the data format for he vx-1r fully documented as well as some open source example software.
This should make implementing much easier.
Also memories can be stored in one of two different formats (CG1 and CG2). CG1 is default and contains full information. CG2 allows more memory slots but doesn't allow tones or non standard offsets to be saved.
If anyone can implement this I will gladly test it out with my radio.
Updated by Tim Smith about 8 years ago
- Subject changed from support VX-1R to Yaesu VX-1R
Updated by Neil McCormick over 1 year ago
I too have a VX-1R and would gladly test the changes or provide my radio for testing purposes to the developer. I am very interested in this update due that I really enjoy using my VX-1R and would love to have an easy way to program it.