Feature #2233
closedtone in cross mode
I was wonder if a TSQL Option could be added. Tone ->
What im trying to acomplish is a CTCSS tone to a remote with no receive tone.
The problem I seem to be having is when I set up my remote with receiving CTCSS I can not have chirp set up the HT or mobile radio to transmit CTCSS and not have a recieve tone and i am using cross mode.
I could be missing something if you know away to acomplish this let me know thanks. Tony
Updated by Filippi Marco about 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
It depend on the radio model: some cannot do tx only CTCSS and some can.
For the latter we can add support in Chirp if not supported yet.
What model are you talking about?
73 de IZ3GME Marco
Updated by Tony Agnello about 10 years ago
im using a boafeng gt 3 as the handle to remote into a kenwood v7a
Updated by Filippi Marco about 10 years ago
I'm not sure: do you mean you need to program the gt3 to transmit CTCSS and ignore code while receiving?
This can be done with Tone Mode set to Tone
73 de IZ3GME Marco
Updated by Jim Unroe about 10 years ago
Marco is correct. Set Tone Mode = Tone and then set Tone = {nnn.n} Hz tone.
This "CHIRP Examples":http://www.miklor.com/COM/UV_CHIRP_Examples.php page shows four channels that are programmed to transmit a CTCSS tone but reception only requires a carrier.
Updated by Tony Agnello about 10 years ago
This is true using just a tone but not for using a CTCSS tone and thats TSQL I noticed to that i cant use two different tones if I set tone 123.0 and set Tsql to 136.5 and save the re edit it and it changes to 123.0 tone. Im using duplex split and crossmode I hope thats makes it easyer to understand. I noticed im running CHIRP daily-20141119 Ill see if i can update my chirp also.
Updated by Jim Unroe about 10 years ago
This isn't what you described in the original issue.
You can use split tones...
The following setup will TX a 123.0 Hz CTCSS tone when the PTT is pressed and require reception of a 136.5 Hz CTCSS tone to open the squelch.
Tone Mode = Cross
Cross Mode = Tone->Tone
Tone = 123.0
ToneSql = 136.5
You can even mix and match CTCSS with DCS in any combination with the UV-5R (and its many variants).
This is my "CHIRP Columns Guide":http://kc9hi.dyndns.org/uv5r/programming/CHIRP%20Guide.pdf and this is the "CHIRP Memory Editor Columns Guide":http://chirp.danplanet.com/projects/chirp/wiki/MemoryEditorColumns available here on the CHIRP website.
Updated by Tony Agnello about 10 years ago
- File tones-1.jpg tones-1.jpg added
the problem is still the same just added the changing of the tone to the same as Tsql it would default to the tone set in tone setting but that has been fixed when i upgraded to the newest version but i still have the same problem with not to be able to recieve on the gt3 HT.
Its tranmitting the CTCSS tone to remote and its transmitting fine. But I can not hear the the repeater on the HT with a CTCSS Tone 100.0.
I have attached a jpeg of the setting I want... Im trying to to remote threw the Kenwood V7A and recieve the reapter with the gt3 HT. There is no option in cross mode setting for Tone->Tsgl or tone->blank. This would be nice to have to block other traffic not using a CTCSS Tone. Im using Tone->Tone now and have no recieve on HT.
Thanks Tony
Updated by Jim Unroe about 10 years ago
You cannot talk to a repeater with one radio and listen to it on another close by monitor receiver. The very strong (because of its closeness) and off-frequency transmitter will desense the monitor receiver and render it deaf. This is especially so on a UV-5R variant because even though it has a very sensitive receiver, it has almost no selectivity.
Once you have programmed you radio with CHIRP, go to channel 28 and access menu 11 (R-CTCS) and menu 13 (T-CTCS) to see if they are set to 123.0 and 241.8 respectively. If they are, then CHIRP did its job.
Updated by Tony Agnello about 10 years ago
I have done it with tone mode set to tone and it works fine just using T-CTCSS it doesn't work. went into menu menu 11 (R-CTCS) and menu 13 (T-CTCS) to see if they are set to 123.0 and 241.8. IF i go into menu 11 and set it to off it reverts back to 123.0 is there a reason i cant edit the menu after programming? And is there a reason why you could put that options with in the program Tone->Tsgl and Tone->blank not only in my case but for mobile radios to base remote. It would keep remote base from transmitting traffic that breaks threw squelch setting. better way to go for the bands.
Updated by Jim Unroe about 10 years ago
You cannot edit a memory channel from the keypad. In channel mode, the menus are Read Only.
CHIRP can program every possible combination of tone/no tone/code/no code. There is nothing to add or change. You are just not understanding how to use CHIRP to program it.
Updated by Tony Agnello about 10 years ago
ok well you see how im setting it up what am i doing wrong. yes now i see why.. didnt think about that
Updated by Jim Unroe about 10 years ago
- File CHIRP_CTCSS.jpg CHIRP_CTCSS.jpg added
The attached CHIRP_CTCSS.jpg shows the combinations of CTCSS tones that CHIRP can program into a Bafoeng/Pofung radio.
Loc 1: TX CTCSS OFF, RX CTCSS OFF ( none ) Loc 2: TX 241.8 CTCSS, RX CTCSS OFF ( tone-> ) Loc 3: TX 241.8 CTCSS, RX 241.8 CTCSS ( ->tone-> ) Loc 4: TX CTCSS OFF, RX 241.8 CTCSS ( ->tone ) Loc 5: TX 241.8 CTCSS, RX 123.0 CTCSS (tone->tone)
There are no other combinations possible. CHIRP already covers them all.
Updated by Tony Agnello about 10 years ago
- File tones-1.jpg tones-1.jpg added
well this is what I'm programing Loc 5: TX 241.8 CTCSS, RX 123.0 CTCSS (tone->tone) everything is set right but i cant receive threw the HT. But if i manually input the same setting its working. So i can only conclude its a software problem. But i guess you will have to find out by urself thanks for the help and hope someone see its the software. Please let me know when its fixed I like chirp but im going to try other software so i can get this done correctly. Take care Tony
Updated by Jim Unroe about 10 years ago
I asked you to look at the T-CTCS and R-CTCS menus to see if the correct tones were programmed by CHIRP. You so far have not done that. I cannot help you if you will not cooperate with my attempts to help.
Please report back what the CHIRP programmed tone values are after they are sent to the radio.
If you can manually program a channel that works, then do so. Program it right next to a channel programmed by CHIRP that doesn't work. Then download to the radio and attach the CHIRP Radio Image (*.ing) file so a comparison can be made.
Updated by Tony Agnello about 10 years ago
Tony Agnello wrote:
I have done it with tone mode set to tone and it works fine just using T-CTCSS it doesn't work. went into menu menu 11 (R-CTCS) and menu 13 (T-CTCS) to see if they are set to 123.0 and 241.8. IF i go into menu 11 and set it to off it reverts back to 123.0 is there a reason i cant edit the menu after programming? And is there a reason why you could put that options with in the program Tone->Tsgl and Tone->blank not only in my case but for mobile radios to base remote. It would keep remote base from transmitting traffic that breaks threw squelch setting. better way to go for the bands.
I did that in later post and its all setup right. but still cant receive CTCSS tone 123.0. I also manually setup the code and received fine,
If tone->tone is correct to receive Tsql then maybe there a problem with Chirp?
Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Closed
- Chirp Version changed from 0.4.0 to daily
No more traffic on this ticket.
If you feel that this hasn't been resolved, please let us know and we'll re-open it. Thanks!