Bug #2191
closedWouxun KG-UV8D multiple line errors after reading after successful write
Daily builds 20150102 and 20150104, authentic prolific chipset used. After importing ch settings from another trcvr image and successfully saving and writing to the UV8D, a download produces multiple lines with ERROR. Manually editing the loc and and name and setting the offset and power and returning to the DTCS no error. If edits are done in order by column an error that cross tone is not supported. Secondary issue is that while CHIRP is open there are no errors in the saved image. Upon closing and reopening CHIRP and the saved image the errors reoccur. Issue seems to come up when DTCS is set.
Updated by Filippi Marco about 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
This is a duplicate of #2143
Please look at it and provide the requested info for me to fix it.
73 de IZ3GME Marco